
Suicidal crisis – How to react and who to turn to?

1. What is a suicidal attack?

A suicidal crisis is characterized by a mental crisis, the main risk of which is suicide. The High Authority for Health defines it as: “This crisis is a moment of escape. A weak state of defense and vulnerability places people in distress and disruption of their relationship with themselves and their environment. This state is reversible and temporary. The suicide crisis can be portrayed as a trajectory that ranges from a pejorative sense of failure to a perceived impossibility of escaping the impasse. It is accompanied by growing and pervasive suicidal ideation, right up to the point of eventual action. The suicide attempt is only one way out of the crisis, but it is a serious one.”

It is thus a moment in a person’s life when he or she feels deadlocked and confronted with ​such suffering that death gradually emerges as the only way out of the crisis. But this condition, characterized by increasingly pervasive suicidal ideation, remains ​temporary​ and ​reversible.

There are different risk factors that can be identified. The first are psychiatric disorders. These may include depression, past trauma, impulsivity, personal and family history of suicide… factors can add up and have a high alert value. The second factor to consider is bereavement, social isolation, unemployment, financial difficulties… these influence the fragility of the person.

2. What are the signs of a suicidal crisis?

For the average person, it is possible to identify a suicidal crisis through different manifestations.

At first, the crisis may manifest itself as fatigue, anxiety, sadness, crying, sleep disturbances, a feeling of failure… Later, the suicidal crisis may be expressed in worrying behaviors: despair, physical suffering, search for firearms, cynicism, a taste for the morbid… These first signs are however neither specific nor exceptional taken in isolation. However, clustering needs to put the chip in the ear. The combination of these findings represents a departure from the person’s usual behavior. This should alert those around them that they are having a suicidal attack.

3. How to respond to a suicide crisis?

If someone in your life wants to commit suicide, try to establish a relationship and trust with them. The approach of caring, listening, dialog and support for those around you is an essential element for the commitment of care.

In the case of a suicidal crisis, whose warning signs you have recognized, you have to listen to the person while remaining oneself. There is no need to be intrusive or discuss the immorality of suicide. It is better to show people that they understand their distress, offer comfort, and show concern. If the person’s words are vague, specify them by referring to suicide unequivocally. Try to assess the degree of urgency: Depending on the person’s condition, contact emergency services or their treating physician.

Never leave the person alone. This can be done by organizing a vigil with relatives and friends. During this time, try to help the person find solutions, but avoid doing everything for the person. Encourage them to find help or a competent structure.

Above all, keep calm, giving a feeling of control. Always remember to respect your limits and not act alone. A skilled worker can provide you with information and support.

4. Who can be reached during a suicidal crisis?

If you, or someone close to you, are in distress, you can seek help and assistance. In the face of an imminent suicide crisis, we must call the 15th. This can be done if the person has invasive ideas, has planned for suicide, or has access to ways to achieve suicide.

In all of these cases, hospitalization may be necessary.

If the situation is less urgent, people should be directed to see their primary care doctor as soon as possible. Doctors may judge how severe the person’s psychologic condition is and thus refer the person to a specialist or psychologist.

Some facilities offer support for people who have thoughts of suicide. This can be done through anonymous phone tapping, email communication, family or group interviews, etc.

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