
Supervised by the Libyan Muslim Brotherhood member Salem Al-Sheikhi… What do you know about the (Qaf Interactive) channel?

(Qaf Interactive) is a satellite channel and a network of interactive platforms specializing in religious content, closely affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood circles. It was established in 2020, with its official headquarters in London.

Its definition states that it is an ‘Islamic media institution presenting legal judgments, behavioral values, and ethical principles within its objectives. It seeks to solidify the identity of the nation, respond to doubts, correct concepts, preserve the constants of religion and Sharia rulings, and aims to provide content suitable for all spectrums of the Muslim audience in the Arab world and Europe through diverse Arabic-language programs and distinctive interactive formats.’

The channel produces its programs in various capitals of the Arab world, such as Morocco, Libya, Kuwait, Lebanon, Yemen, Egypt, Tunisia, and Algeria. It is primarily directed towards the youth, hosting scholars and thinkers from various Islamic currents, with a focus on individuals affiliated or ideologically close to the Muslim Brotherhood, as mentioned by the Arab Center for the Study of Extremism.

The channel’s programs are distributed across (9) main axes: jurisprudence and fatwa, creed and major perceptions, basic concepts in Islam, highlighting religious references, as well as the axis of women and society, purification and ethics, art and beauty, language and its sciences, and history and biography.

Among its programs are: Qaf Studio (Qaf Interactive), Let Them Understand Religion (religious), Path of Light (religious), From the Heart (psychological), and Gras (educational).

According to the center, the channel’s social media accounts have a wide following; for example, its Facebook account is followed by more than 2.2 million people.

According to the definition provided by the Muslim Brotherhood website, the channel aims to present legal judgments, behavioral and ethical values through various media programs, in Arabic and interactive formats. The site pointed out that one of the reasons for its emergence is an attempt to bridge the gap between society and scholars. It ensures to be an inclusive platform in its plan, relying on the coalition’s jurisprudence and many values that outline the contours of the art of disagreement.

The channel is supervised by the Libyan Muslim Brotherhood leader Salem Al-Sheikhi, who has held various positions, most notably as the ‘Chairman of the Fatwa Committee in Britain,’ where he sought refuge during the era of Muammar Gaddafi due to his arrest and persecution in his home country.

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