
Supporters of Terrorismin in Yemen: A documentary exposes Houthi crimes

“Supporters of terrorism”, A special documentary produced by Sky News Arabia, which will be shown on Wednesday, provides a special investigation into Houthi terrorism.

Since its coup against the legitimate authority in Yemen, Houthi militias have been practicing various forms of terrorism against the Yemeni people of different sects and against other states, threatening the security of the region.

The documentary reveals the beginning of the practices of the Houthi group against the Yemeni people, through the large-scale recruitment of children, which has been confirmed to this day through statistics and documented names, in addition to targeting all opposition voices that stand in the way of Houthi’s destructive project.

The documentary also details the suspected relationship between terrorist organizations, such as al-Qaeda, ISIS, and the Houthi group. It features intelligence reports and documents proving the exchange of prisoners between the Houthi and these groups, in addition to details of the secret deals the Houthi group has struck with al-Qaeda by issuing false identities and documents to facilitate the movement of these extremist elements, which is a blow to the world’s counter-terrorism efforts.

What are the facts and evidence of a link between the Houthi group and extremist organizations? Has the designation of Houthi as a terrorist group become urgent?
The documentary discusses these topics and reveals the details of them in order to understand what they are like with people in the region and around the world.
The film is part of a series of Arab Sky News documentaries and was filmed in Yemen.

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