
Surprising Secrets in the Life of a Woman Who Set a Record by Climbing Everest

A woman from Nepal has achieved a record by climbing the world’s highest peak, Everest, 10 times, a feat no other woman in history has accomplished.

The remarkable achiever, named Lhakpa Sherpa, revealed astonishing surprises behind her achievement. She has been a victim of domestic violence at the hands of her husband, deprived of education, and she scales the formidable and famous peak without undergoing any formal training.

In media statements, Lhakpa disclosed that she is now in the United States, supporting three children by working as a shop assistant and cleaner.

Her life on and off the mountain has been turned into a documentary on Netflix, titled “Queen of the Mountain.”

Sherpa is proud of this film, noting that she was eager to participate because she “wants to show people that a woman can achieve anything.”

Climbing Everest can be fatal, with 300 deaths recorded in the region since statistics began a hundred years ago. Therefore, adventurers must be in the best physical condition possible. In the film, Sherpa is shown preparing for the climb by walking in the Connecticut hills, while continuing her everyday work life to support her family.

Sherpa says, “I did not succeed in education, but I am skilled in mountain climbing.” She was born in 1973 to a family living in the Himalayas in Nepal and is one of 11 siblings.

She grew up in an area where girls’ education was not a priority, carrying her brother to school on her back for several hours through the hills, but she was not allowed to enter.

Things have improved significantly in Nepal today, with the percentage of girls’ education rising from 10% in 1981 to 70% in 2021.

Despite the deteriorating relationship between Sherpa and her husband, they stayed together for many years, but she was hospitalized when he attacked her again in 2012, marking a turning point.

With the help of social assistance, Sherpa moved to a women’s shelter with her daughters and started a new life.

She divorced her husband in 2015, and in 2016 the court granted her custody of her daughters.

Her husband died of cancer in 2020.

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