Sweden Detects First Case of Monkeypox

Sweden’s Public Health Agency announced on Thursday that it has detected the first case outside Africa of the new strain of monkeypox, which the World Health Organization (WHO) declared a global health emergency on Wednesday, according to Agence France-Presse (AFP).
In a statement, the agency noted that “a person in need of care” in Stockholm “was diagnosed with monkeypox caused by strain 1. This is the first case caused by strain 1 to be diagnosed outside the African continent.”
The World Health Organization has classified monkeypox as a “global health emergency” following the spread of the viral outbreak from the Democratic Republic of Congo to neighboring countries.
Monkeypox – Morocco is not concerned for the moment
2 cases of Monkeypox detected for the first time in children
Monkeypox can be transmitted through close contact.
Although the disease can be fatal in rare cases, its symptoms are usually mild.
The disease causes flu-like symptoms and pus-filled blisters on the body.