Taiz, Yemen, Witnesses another Crime by the Muslim Brotherhood: Details

The Specialized Criminal Prosecution in Taiz Governorate has declared Farouk Qassem Fadhel Hassan, the brother of Khaled Fadhel, the commander of the Taiz Front affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood, as a fugitive from justice after being accused of kidnapping and deliberately killing a Yemeni citizen on June 28 in the Jabal Habashi district.
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In a statement published by Al-Muntasaf Net, the prosecution stated that the suspect intercepted the victim at gunpoint, took him to Al-Sanab Cemetery in the Al-Masha’a area, and shot him dead.
Although an official indictment decision has been issued by the prosecution, security authorities have failed to apprehend the suspect. The prosecution called for legal procedures to be taken to try him in absentia and to enforce the penalties stipulated by law.
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Activists on social media have urged the Taiz police to arrest the brother of the commander of the Muslim Brotherhood-affiliated Taiz Front, following the capture of the murderer of citizen Saif Al-Sharaabi. Previously, the Brotherhood Front had refused to hand over the killer, providing him with immunity and protection from legal pursuit.
Activists also stated that the Taiz community is on the verge of revolt against the Muslim Brotherhood forces, accusing them of corruption, murder, looting, theft, and harboring criminals.
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They highlighted a genuine movement within the city aiming to end the presence of Muslim Brotherhood forces, demanding their expulsion and the return of the city to its residents.
The Taiz Police Department has acknowledged the existence of crimes and violations committed by armed militias operating under the Muslim Brotherhood-affiliated Taiz Front against the residents of Taiz.
Osama Al-Sharaabi, the head of the Police Guidance Department and spokesperson for Taiz Police, called on the Front’s leadership to take responsibility and address the situation. He confirmed the presence of what he described as “uncontrolled militias” operating under the army’s cover without accountability, warning that such actions harm the army and Taiz as a whole.
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