
Taliban foreign minister Amir Khan Muttaqi visits Pakistan

In the first visit since the Taliban took control of Afghanistan, Foreign Minister of the Taliban government Amir Khan Muttaqi is visiting Pakistan.

Khan will lead a high-level delegation on his official visit to Pakistan, setting the agenda for the visit to “strengthen bilateral relations and economy, and discuss transit, refugee and movement issues between the two countries”, the Taliban’s “Islamic Emirate” Twitter account said.

The statement added that the delegation, headed by the Foreign Minister in the interim government, includes the Ministers of Finance and Economy, in addition to other officials, whose number was not specified.

Pakistan is one of the Taliban’s most powerful neighbors and was one of three countries that recognized its former regime in 1996, but relations between Islamabad and the new government are fraught with disagreements.

“Relations between the two neighbors have been strained since the Taliban came to power in mid-August, particularly over airlines and the opening of border crossing points for people and goods”.

Last month, Islamabad sent a delegation to Kabul headed by Pakistani Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi, who met with Taliban leaders and offered advice on how to gain international recognition.

Upon his return to Islamabad, Qureshi said: “As a neighbor and good friend, I informed them of the steps they could take to encourage their international acceptance”.

Qureshi, who was accompanied by the head of Pakistan’s Inter-Services Intelligence, said that he met with Taliban Prime Minister Hassan Akhund and most members of the government during his visit to Kabul.

Amir Khan Muttaqi described his meeting with his Pakistani counterpart as “very positive”, saying in a video: “We have great hope that all our trade problems will be solved very soon and that the borders will be reopened”.

Trucks loaded with Afghan fruit have been left to rot on the southern border in Spin Boldak, Afghanistan, in recent weeks, following a dispute between the two countries over Pakistan’s tightening of Afghan access to its territory.

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