
Taliban gathered with Washington’s special envoy to Afghanistan in Qatar

The rebels stated on Saturday that Washington’s special envoy to Afghanistan gathered with the Taliban in Qatar, while efforts strengthen to revive a peace operation to deal with increasing violence and a US troop removal deadline.

Talks were held by the envoy, Zalmay Khalilzad, this week with Afghan leaders in Kabul, including President Ashraf Ghani and Abdullah Abdullah, president of Afghanistan’s High Council for National Reconciliation who supervises the government’s discussions with the rebels in Qatar.

Besides, Taliban spokesman Muhamad Naeem said in a tweet that Khalilzad and the top US general in Afghanistan gathered with the insurgents’ negotiating group in Doha, including Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar.

He also tweeted: Both sides expressed their commitment to the Doha agreement and discussed its full implementation. Likewise, the current situation of Afghanistan and the rapidity and effectiveness of the Intra-Afghan negotiations were discussed.

There are rumor about America’s future in Afghanistan, after that the White House declared plans to review a removal agreement brokered by Khalilzad and the Taliban in Doha last year.

It’s expected, under that agreement that the US would remove from Afghanistan in May, however; the increase of struggling caused worries that a quick exit may create disorder as the continuous interruption of peace discussions between the Kabul government and Taliban.

Moreover, the accord reported that the US would remove all troops from Afghanistan, with the Taliban promising not to allow territory to be used by terrorists, which is the original aim of the US invasion after the September 11, 2001 assaults.

The visit of Khalilzad is the first that he has publicly returned to Qatar since US President Joe Biden start his function in January and requested him to stay in his post.

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