Arabian Gulf

Target the relations of the Gulf Emirates… Find the recipient

It is not the first time, and it may not be the last, that evil forces try to drive a wedge between the UAE and the Gulf countries, even if circumstances and positions differ.

A few hours ago, Kuwait categorically denied the veracity of what some said was an alleged UAE “lobby” that was inciting it.

The Kuwaiti Foreign Ministry, with its customary intelligence, refuted the incident, stressing that “the news has pointed to the name of a member of the European Parliament is not true and does not exist.” Who’s the beneficiary?

The details of the answer to this incident may not be revealed quickly, but going back 3 years, an explanation can be deduced. Relations between the two countries were abused through social media and accounts known to have paid a price.

At that time, it was falsely said that the UAE, through its contribution to the reconstruction of Iraq at $6 billion, is trying to strike Mubarak Port, because this contribution will contribute to the development of the Iraqi Port of Umm Qasr!

It became clear that the terrorist Muslim Brotherhood in Kuwait was the one that worked hard to promote malicious and unfounded rumors through the tweets of its tractor-based electronic army.

As for the truth, the UAE announced $6 billion for the reconstruction of Iraq during the Kuwait conference, in addition to a new $500 million support to contribute to the reconstruction. In addition, the private sector contributed $5.5 billion to the Al-Rashid Camp project and the Umm Qasr port.

The UAE usually does not look at such horns. It seeks economic development by investing in the reconstruction of Iraq and also investing in various countries of the world.

What the Gulf people do not dispute is that the more howling the UAE and Kuwait are, the more they learn that they are the worst enemies aiming to hit the strong relationship between them.

Friday’s attempt to drive a wedge between the UAE and Kuwait was preceded by a 10-day “wedge” between the Saudis and the Emiratis after a fire broke out in a ship at the Jabal Ali port in Dubai.

But the horrors, the lousy wishes, and the sinister fishing in the troubled waters, the people of Saudi Arabia and the UAE cut the road before it was fully out of the haters.

As soon as the fire started, Saudi solidarity with the UAE accelerated, and the warmth of the relations between the two brotherly countries fell into the hands of those who wished for a moment that something would change in the two countries’ solidarity.

Tweets in safety and expressions of solidarity continued through 40 minutes in which civil defense took control of a ship fire in Jebel Ali, turning into a Saudi tribute to the heroic hands of the UAE who have turned fears in the world port into a cold and peace, with a new line in the record of the Speed and Achievement Championship.

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