The British Far Right Uses These Methods to Brainwash Children as Young as 9 Years Old

Nigel Bromage, a former neo-Nazi who underwent a rehabilitation program, has issued a warning that children as young as 9 years old are being exposed to extremist ideas by their far-right relatives.
Bromage, who spent nearly two decades with far-right groups before founding a charity dedicated to combating extremism, told “The Independent” newspaper that his organization once helped a young boy who had started using neo-Nazi symbols after being influenced by his older brother.
Bromage also warned that the far right focuses on exploiting ordinary individuals and turning them into “tools and pawns” for violence and chaos. He noted that extremists have succeeded in spreading misinformation and lies, making people believe them, and then inciting them to take action by exploiting their feelings of marginalization and belief that no one hears their voice.
Mr. Bromage, who heads the “Exit Hate Trust” organization, which helps individuals leave racist groups, stated that his team had encountered children who had turned to extremism under the influence of a family member, such as a father or older brother. In one case, a child as young as 9 years old was brainwashed by his older brother.
The 59-year-old man explained that the older brother became involved in far-right ideologies through online extremist forums, noting that his organization worked to help both brothers break free from extremism.
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He explained that Nazism is based on the belief that “the struggle begins at birth and continues throughout life until death.” He added that from birth, loyalty to the late Nazi leader Adolf Hitler and National Socialism is instilled in children’s minds, and they are raised with the principle that they must defend the white race and see themselves in a constant battle against the system.
He mentioned that “by the age of five or six, many of these children have already ingrained in their minds the idea of opposing the system and harboring prejudices against people of different races.”
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Regarding the methods used to indoctrinate children, Mr. Bromage pointed out that family members may use games, music, memes, or other forms of racist humor.