Middle east

The City of Hadramout Targeted by Systematic Smear Campaigns Orchestrated by the Muslim Brotherhood

The Yemeni city of Hadramout is currently being targeted by a systematic smear campaign led by the Al-Islah Party, the Muslim Brotherhood‘s branch in Yemen, through social media platforms. These campaigns specifically aim to discredit the Hadrami Elite Forces by falsely accusing them of various offenses.

According to Al-Mashhad Al-Arabi, these defamation efforts coincide with a surge of suspicious activities by various factions and groups seeking to expand their influence on the ground. This initiative is part of a broader plan to politically weaken Southern Yemen, as the Muslim Brotherhood views the Southern Transitional Council (STC) in Hadramout as a direct threat to its interests.

The attack on Hadramout is an attempt to undermine its southern identity while seeking to seize control of its vast natural resources. This includes deliberate efforts to impoverish its residents and exacerbate economic hardship in the region.

Hadramout holds significant economic importance, once contributing approximately 70% of Yemen’s national revenue. However, the region has been severely impacted by the suspension of oil exports following terrorist attacks by Houthi militias on the Al-Dhaba port, causing major disruptions to its economy.

From a strategic perspective, Hadramout plays a crucial role in the overall stability of Southern Yemen. Its security and stability are directly linked to the broader stability of the region, prompting the Southern Transitional Council to intensify its efforts to safeguard this vital stronghold.

The Muslim Brotherhood has successfully infiltrated several newly established institutions in the city, including the Hadramout Provincial Council, whose members are entirely affiliated with Al-Islah. This council has no genuine connection to the province’s interests and merely serves as a political tool for recycling the party’s leadership figures.

Additionally, the Brotherhood’s terrorist militias, represented by the Al-Islah Party (Rally for National Reform), have taken control of Hadramout Valley. They are attempting to provoke conflict with the South by using the region as a military stronghold, aiming to spread chaos and instability.

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