
The First Far-Right Entity Added to the EU Terror List: What Do You Know About “The Base”?

The European Union has added the organization “The Base” to its list of terrorist entities, which now includes 22 organizations and 15 individuals. This marks the first far-right entity to be listed by the European Union, indicating a shift in the threat landscape and a clear political shift in counter-terrorism priorities.

According to the European Center for Counter-Terrorism and Intelligence Studies, “The Base” had already been designated a terrorist organization by Canada (2021), the United Kingdom (2021), Australia (2021), and New Zealand (2022).

Although the United States considers domestic terrorism a major threat (including groups like The Base), it has not officially designated any domestic organizations as terrorist groups, which remains a controversial issue.

The center notes that “The Base” was founded in 2018 in the United States. It formed as a paramilitary organization, with an ideology clearly inspired by neo-Nazis. The group is committed to using political violence or terrorism to advance its agenda, similar to many other far-right groups. Their strategy effectively exploits crises, political issues, and existing societal divisions, hoping to shape a new world order.

The Base” has been directly involved in several terrorist operations in the United States, as well as spreading hate, inciting violence, and training for warfare. In 2021, three members were convicted of planning attacks, and in 2020, three members were arrested for planning a murder operation. “The Base” is also responsible for vandalizing several churches in 2019.

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