The German parliament is discussing two draft laws related to the Muslim Brotherhood

In the first move against the Muslim Brotherhood and political Islam in 2023, the German parliament will discuss two draft laws on combating the financing of these organizations on Thursday.
The parliament will discuss the issue of combating the financing of political Islam and the terrorist Muslim Brotherhood in its general session scheduled for tomorrow, specifically in item number 20 on the agenda.
In the debate, the first move against the Muslim Brotherhood and political Islam in the German Parliament in 2023, the Bundestag is considering a draft resolution on these organizations from 8:50 p.m. on Thursday.
The debate revolves around two draft resolutions presented by the center-right Christian Union and last year’s Alternative for Germany (populist).
Tomorrow’s parliamentary session will discuss the recommendations of the Internal Affairs Committee on the draft resolution submitted by the Christian Union to uncover and dry up the financing of political Islam in Germany, which has been studied in the committee over the past months.
The same meeting also discusses the recommendations of the Internal Affairs Committee on the Alternative for Germany draft resolution on drying up funding for Islamism, which has also been examined by the committee in the past months.
This is the first discussion of the two draft resolutions after the Internal Affairs Committee completed its role in their study, submitted its recommendations to Parliament for discussion, and then set a time for a vote on the two draft resolutions.
With regard to the draft resolution submitted by the Christian Union, which is under discussion tomorrow, it emphasizes the danger of political Islam, which espouses a vision opposed to democracy, pluralism and individual freedoms.
According to the draft, “those who are in charge of political Islam have managed to gain a foothold in German society, mostly working in hiding, connected to international networks and also supported by foreign backers.”
Specific requests
The draft calls on the federal government, in particular, to continue the work of the Ministry of the Interior’s team of experts on “political Islam”, which is tasked with studying and advising on the organizations of this current, after the latter suspended its work a few months ago.
The draft, the federal government, demands that the Constitutional Protection Authority be given broader powers in financial investigations into associations and organizations of political Islam, so that it can “better clarify political and financial influence, especially with respect to political Islam”.
The draft also stated, “Work closely with EU and UK partners on the issue of Islamization financing and regularly exchange information”.
According to the draft, the DCA’s powers should be expanded, to include making requests to the FIU, to investigate cases of extremist financing.
The gap between the Constitutional Protection Authority and the Financial Intelligence Unit emerged at the end of 2021, with the outbreak of the case of the acquisition of a property in the Fiding neighborhood of Berlin by the European Trust, the Muslim Brotherhood’s investment fund in the European continent, for 4 million euros, and the subsequent movement of Brotherhood organizations from the property, without the security services possessing the required capabilities and the legal mandate to investigate this deal.
The AFD project calls on the German government to prevent the financing of Islamist political organizations from foreign tax revenues and donations as much as possible in the future, as long as such funding carries a form of political influence.