
The Guide’s Code… A Book Revealing the Deception of the Muslim Brotherhood 

The danger of the Muslim Brotherhood is not a recent development; rather, it spans decades, drawing attention to the perilous nature of their ideas. In response, authors have published a series of books addressing this issue, including the book “The Guide’s Code” by the writer Mahmoud Bassiouni.

The book consists of six chapters in addition to the introduction. The first chapter is titled “Will the Next Brotherhood Guide Be American?” The second chapter bears the title “The Brotherhood: Capitalist and Globalization Wolves,” while the third chapter is titled “All the Guide’s Men.” The fourth chapter is titled “Brothers… Liberals… Anarchists… Israelis,” and the fifth chapter is “Human Rights: Cover for Terrorism.” Finally, the sixth chapter is “The Philosophy of Human Rights in the New Republic.”

Writer Mahmoud Bassiouni stated that through his book “The Guide’s Code,” he reveals the aspect that the group has tried to conceal regarding its continuous attempts to infiltrate human rights organizations and its actions in Arab countries.

Bassiouni added, in previous statements to the (Cairo News) channel, that at the beginning of the establishment of human rights organizations and their emergence in the early eighties, there was a close relationship with the Brotherhood. The group exploited the political oppression it faced with international organizations to impose its presence on the Arab reality by discussing topics related to democracy and human rights.

He pointed out that the Brotherhood always talked about what its members were experiencing in Arab countries, portraying stories of persecution. Over time, everyone discovered that there were false stories created by the group to influence intellectuals.

He confirmed that the group attempted to infiltrate international organizations from within and succeeded in doing so, as happened in Amnesty International when Brotherhood member Yasmin Hussein infiltrated the organization. Investigations were subsequently conducted in Britain regarding her Brotherhood affiliation.

He explained that there was another infiltration into human rights organizations, with some Brotherhood members in leadership positions having an influence on these organizations’ behavior towards the countries targeted by the group. He added that they established organizations in several countries, including America, to influence decision-makers in Congress to implement their objectives in Egypt and Arab countries.

Writer Mahmoud Bassiouni, in a press statement, expressed his enthusiasm for writing about organizations that target human minds because they are directly linked to the Brotherhood. These are not just organizations talking about religion, as some may think, but rather extensive terrorist networks. He added that the book reveals some terrorist tactics to allow readers to form a complete picture of these groups after confirming the accuracy of the information.

In response to the book, Maher Farghaly, an expert in the study of terrorist organizations, considered “The Guide’s Code” as a means through which the reader becomes acquainted with the ancient plan of the Brotherhood, operating on four aspects: first, the economic axis through secret and isolated financing; second, the political aspect and dealing with parties; third, the preaching aspect through the mosque network; and fourth, the military aspect.

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