
The Houthi terrorist militia continues to commit crimes against the Yemeni people

Eyewitnesses confirmed that the Houthi militias decided to add unjustified amounts of Yemeni communications bills to all companies to finance the fund for the families of their fighters, which is the solution the militia uses whenever it needs to finance one of its extremist activities.

According to the Italian newspaper Expert, a document dated June 4, 2022 was leaked concerning a circular from the Minister of Communications in the government of the militias, which is not recognized at the international level, addressed to the directors of the communications companies. The document includes an order to provide 1% of all invoices of any kind, fixed – mobile, international and internet, to the fund of the families of the Houthis killed. Two months ago, the Houthi militia had imposed 100 million riyals on each company, in an urgent manner, in favor of the campaign against the coronavirus.

According to the newspaper, revenues from mobile phone companies during the war years were estimated at more than 1.4 trillion riyals, an average of 210 billion riyals per year. This means that the Houthis’ new revenues will range between 5 and 6 billion riyals per year, excluding revenues from fixed phone services, international communications, and the Internet.

Humanitarian crisis

Local Yemeni reports revealed that the Houthis have made imaginary gains from imposing royalties on the people, which exacerbated the financial crises of Yemeni citizens. They added that the recent Houthi royalties will be directed to the families of Houthi fighters who were killed in the recent clashes.

It added that the Houthi militia, despite receiving hundreds of millions of support from the Iranian regime and its allies in the region, but igniting wars and crises costs huge amounts of money, which compels them to continue stealing the money of the Yemeni people, in order to achieve gains and profits, causing the collapse of the country’s service infrastructure, especially education and health. It pointed out that the Iranian-backed militias formed huge riches from imposing fees, taxes, and excessive fees on the population.

International human rights sources said that such royalties have contributed to the complexity of the humanitarian crisis in an unprecedented way, threatening 20 million people with famine and a humanitarian catastrophe unparalleled in modern human history.

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