Middle east

The Houthis target civilians in these Yemeni cities

The terrorist Houthi militias continue their hostile acts towards civilians and government forces’ positions in multiple regions in Yemen.

Yesterday, the Iran-backed militias escalated their operations against the positions of southern forces in the governorates of Lahj and Dhale, while targeting civilians as revenge for their military defeats and the losses they suffered in terms of lives and equipment.

The Houthi militias carried out indiscriminate shelling on homes, villages, and farms of citizens near the Hayfan-Ireem front in the Qubaitah district, north of Lahj. The shelling coincided with military movements by the militias towards liberated areas in the Krash district.

Military sources in the southern forces told Yemen News website that the Houthi militias have brought in new reinforcements to their military positions adjacent to the Krash, Qubaitah, and Tawr Al-Baha areas and have begun consecutive military operations towards the positions of the southern forces stationed in those fronts.

The sources explained that the artillery of the Fourth Brigade in Hizam responded to the sources of Houthi enemy fire and targeted their positions, while the Houthi militias responded with indiscriminate shelling using mortar shells towards the homes and farms of citizens in those border areas with Sabiha, north of Lahj.

In Dhale governorate, a citizen from the Al-Makhtah village in the Al-Qudam-Maris area, north of Dhale governorate, was killed in a Houthi militia shelling that indiscriminately and directly targeted the area with various types of heavy weapons.

A local source from the area confirmed that the militias targeted the Al-Qudam and Al-Makhtah villages with BMP rounds, artillery (23mm), mortar projectiles, and medium weapons. The shelling resulted in the death of the citizen, while several houses and properties were damaged, causing panic and fear among the residents, especially women and children.

During the past week, the militias targeted the same areas with drones, causing casualties and injuries.

The terrorist Houthi militias continue their deliberate and continuous shelling of civilian areas as revenge for their military defeats on the battlefronts. These attacks have resulted in the death and injury of hundreds of civilians, mostly women and children, and the damage of thousands of homes and properties.

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