
The Muslim Brotherhood does not believe in the idea of a nation and sought to marginalize the role of women… Details

MP Ibrahim El-Deeb, a member of the Egyptian House of Representatives, revealed that the June 30 Revolution is one of the most important popular uprisings undertaken by Egyptians, as it successfully marked the beginning of the end of the rule of the terrorist Muslim Brotherhood. He noted that no one can deny the role of Egyptian women in this revolution, under a group that did everything to marginalize their role and diminish their achievements.

The MP confirmed that this revolution revealed the true nature of the Egyptian people, who stood by their great army and police, emphasizing that the Muslim Brotherhood does not believe in the idea of a nation, which is why millions of people opposed their rule.

Eleven years ago, millions of Egyptians took to the streets all over the country, rejecting the rule of a terrorist group accustomed to following a policy of violence and intimidation.

He considered the June 30 Revolution a turning point and marked the birth of a new republic, offering a decent life, consistent with the foundations of the new republic and improving the life of the citizen. He noted that the world now stands in respect and appreciation of the Egyptian people who rose to defend their identity and reclaim it.

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