The Muslim Brotherhood Exploits “Social bots” to Convince the Public that the Organization is Still Active… How?

Journalist Mohamed Salah affirmed that we are facing the failed terrorist organization of the Muslim Brotherhood, as a result of security pursuits and strikes against it, and the rejection of its presence by the Egyptian people in recent years. He emphasized that this organization has shifted its focus from physical activities on the ground to the digital realm, with its regular members absent and led by leaders present in multiple locations.
During his appearance on the “Masaa DMC” program broadcasted on “DMC” satellite channel, Salah added that the Brotherhood leadership has its goals, while other elements have different objectives, stating that the leadership’s objectives in the organization after its failure are to convince its members that the organization is still active, according to what was reported by “Al-Dostour” newspaper.
He noted that the Brotherhood exploits “social bots” to convince the public that the group is still present, especially since it is unable to operate on the ground, emphasizing that Brotherhood electronic committees operate at the same pace and intensity as Israeli units, with the goal of spreading discord among Arabs.
He stressed that foreign media outlets have merged with statements from the Brotherhood‘s own electronic committees, weakening any state regardless of its strength.
Despite its overt war, the Muslim Brotherhood organization pins broad hopes on electronic battalions, driven by wages, to influence the minds of youth and attract new recruits to an organization that continues to lose hundreds of disillusioned followers by the day, to the extent that it has established organized electronic committee networks since 2015 on social media platforms, not only on the popular Facebook platform in Egypt and worldwide.
These electronic battalions have spread like cancer, penetrating all aspects of Egyptian street life, disseminating sports pages as well as launching funded and unfunded social, political, and economic pages. They have succeeded due to continuous support from organization members. Through these pages, venom is injected into the honey through posts that attack the state or through sending political messages or eliciting sympathy from the masses through specific scenes.