Middle east

The Muslim Brotherhood Gangs Challenge Legitimate Authorities in Taiz… What’s the Story?

Politicians, human rights activists, and advocates have called on the President of the Presidential Leadership Council, Rashad Al-Alimi, and the Governor of Taiz, Nabil Shamsan, for immediate intervention to return a house belonging to a citizen in the Al-Rawda district of Taiz. The house is occupied by armed groups affiliated with the (170) Air Defense Brigade, which belongs to the (Al-Islah) party, “the arm of the Muslim Brotherhood in Yemen,” despite explicit orders from the Governor of Taiz to apprehend the accused and bring them to justice. 

In a statement, they expressed concern over the escalating defiance of armed gangs against legitimate authorities, calling for an end to this situation and for the rightful owner to have their property restored. 

This comes just days after President Rashad Al-Alimi issued directives to both civilian and military officials in Taiz province to evacuate citizens’ homes and state institutions that the Al-Islah militias in Taiz have been using as headquarters, reinforcing the need for swift action to enforce these orders and restore order. 

Activists mocked the appointment of Dr. Rashad Al-Alimi of Ali Al-Maamari to oversee the retrieval of institutions and homes occupied by Al-Islah leaders from the Taiz front, as well as to correct the imbalances within the set presidential term of (6) months. 

Activists pointed out that all state institutions and homes were occupied during Al-Maamari’s tenure as governor of Taiz, a time when he helped the Brotherhood take over these institutions and homes. 

They noted that the (6) months will pass, and the bandits and corrupt officials will remain in their positions, while appeasement of the Brotherhood and their cronies will continue at the expense of national forces.

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