Middle east

The Muslim Brotherhood in Hadramout Senses Danger… A New Maneuver

Pro-media sources loyal to the Yemeni Congregation for Reform party, the political arm of the Muslim Brotherhood in Yemen, claimed that a very rare meeting took place between leaders of the party and leaders of the Southern Transitional Council in the city of Seiyun in Hadramout province. Observers suggest that the Brotherhood has sensed danger from the Southern Transitional Council’s escalation against their forces stationed in the city.

According to (Suhail TV), the meeting held yesterday discussed the importance of uniting ranks and working together to restore state institutions and jointly combat terrorism.

The meeting emphasized “the importance of unity among the people of Hadramout and the necessity of maintaining dialogue between all political parties and social and political components in Hadramout to achieve the demands of the province’s residents.”

Fouad Barboud, head of the political department of Al-Islah in Wadi Hadramout, highlighted the party’s efforts over the past years to foster closeness between all political components and parties, affirming that the party has adopted a social cohesion project aimed at resolving political disputes.

The meeting also stressed the importance of joint efforts to confront terrorist cells in the Wadi and desert districts, which threaten the safety and stability of citizens. According to the party’s website, Al-Islah has been the most affected by these terrorist operations, with its headquarters and leaders being targeted.

Barboud asserted that the province cannot be governed by one party alone and emphasized the need for political partnership in local and central decision-making. He also highlighted the necessity of representing the province’s people in political settlements and comprehensive solutions.

The official website of the Southern Transitional Council has not yet mentioned this meeting, which indicates that it may not wish to reconcile with the Brotherhood given the crimes being committed daily by its forces, which continue to wreak havoc, killing, looting, and terrorizing the province.

Last week, leaders of the Southern Transitional Council’s bodies in Hadramout held an expanded meeting to discuss the ongoing situation in the province, in light of the escalating crises and tensions that are threatening stability and harmony throughout Hadramout.

The final statement of the meeting affirmed the rejection of any words or actions that could harm the relationship between Hadramout and the brothers in the Arab Coalition, led by Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, while appreciating their continuous support, which enabled the people of Hadramout, and the people of the South in general, to repel the Houthi invaders and terrorist organizations.

The statement stressed that Hadramout cannot accept the re-imposition of the dominance of the forces that participated in its degradation, handing it over to the invaders in 1994 and to terrorist groups in 2015, implicitly referring to the Muslim Brotherhood.

It emphasized the necessity for unity and cooperation among all the people of Hadramout and the South, and the unification of their efforts to deploy the Hadrami elite forces in the Wadi and desert districts, and to end the dominance of the Muslim Brotherhood forces that are causing corruption there.

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