Middle east

The Muslim Brotherhood penetrated universities and all institutions in Egypt in 2011 

After their fall, the Brotherhood in Egypt attempted to recruit youth for political purposes, aiming to create chaos in universities, attracting global attention to the unstable situation in Egypt. Dr. Said Tawfik, a professor of aesthetics and philosophy at Cairo University, emphasized that the Muslim Brotherhood infiltrated universities and all institutions in 2011.

During his interview on the program “Al-Shahed,” broadcast on Extra News channel, he added that traditional “yellow” books, which some preachers resort to and promote on pulpits, cannot be solved by banning them. Instead, an enlightened awareness should confront these books and their myths with books, conferences, and real religious figures capable of facing them with an analytical and rational vision.

He affirmed that “the worship of heritage exists among Salafists, and the reference point is always an absent point from the past, which is not entirely luminous, containing dark points,” indicating that heritage does not mean living in the past but elevating it, refining it, taking from it what is suitable for our reality, making it subject to revision, and understanding the conditions that created the bright moments in this heritage.

In recent years, calls to purge Egyptian institutions of Muslim Brotherhood elements have escalated, citing their “infiltration and destructive role.” This includes resisting the Brotherhood‘s influence in universities and cleansing the railway sector amid repeated incidents in this sector.

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