
The normalization of Turkey and Israel reveals the schizophrenia of the Brotherhood… What is the position of Tareq Al-Suwaidan?

A week has passed since the announcement of full normalization of Turkish-Israeli relations, but the Muslim Brotherhood has not been heard.

Among them is Kuwaiti Tareq al-Suwaidan, the most prominent figure of the Muslim Brotherhood in the Gulf States, who exaggerated the glorification of Erdogan, even comparing him with Caliph Omar bin Abdulaziz, saying: Erdogan is “Omar bin Abdulaziz of this era… Every day he will live a year, and he will die a heresy.”

It did not seem to be heard from Sweden that Erdogan’s “Muslim successor” extended his hand with great warmth and warmth to Israel for a “warmer” normalization, despite Israeli conditions aimed at halting Turkish support for Hamas.

The silence of the Swedes, who only missed an occasion when they attacked Arab countries that were normalized with Israel, revealed not only their contradiction; The Muslim Brotherhood is also becoming increasingly bizarre, sparking criticism on social media. Saudi journalist Ahmed Al-Rubai tweeted: “Tareq Al-Suwaidan, who calls for the boycott of governments and companies that print with Israel, is today silent in the face of Turkey’s normalization with Israel.”

“The Palestinian issue in the Brotherhood’s dictionary is verbal propaganda and a political card that is used to win sympathy and steal donations to finance their subversive projects and malicious plans,” he said.

In a tweet on her official Twitter account, the Christophe Files 1727 page said: “Questions are still circulating about Muslim Brotherhood member Tareq Al-Suwaidan, who rose up against the UAE, Bahrain, and Egypt, and called for a boycott of companies, but after the announcement of the normalization of Turkey, following the silence and justification, especially that he once said about President Erdogan that he is Omar Bin Abdulaziz of this era, and that every day he will live a year, and die a heresy.” One Saudi Twitter user retweeted an earlier tweet, which was deleted by Al-Suwaidan, that urged a boycott of the printing countries’ companies with Israel. “Tareq Al-Suwaidan! Why did you delete the tweet? Should Turkish companies now be boycotted?”.

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