
The Sudanese War orchestrated by the Muslim Brotherhood… Their Main Tools and Objectives?

Sudanese journalist Salah Shuaib stated that the devastating war currently taking place in Sudan is a scheme orchestrated by the Islamic movement of the Muslim Brotherhood, represented by the National Congress and its affiliates, colluding against the change brought about by the December revolution.

Shuaib said in an article published in the Sudanese newspaper “Al Taghyeer”: “If we ignore the war supporters, those who lived under the Salvation regime and built financial empires, unfortunately we find that there are national figures known for their firm stances in favor of perpetuating the war rather than stopping it.”

He asserted that any claim that the National Congress did not orchestrate this war to block the path to a democratic regime established by those who overthrew its autocratic rule is simply deceitful, or a misunderstanding of the essence of the conflict after independence between the forces of good and evil in our country. The Islamists (the Muslim Brotherhood) as the primary losers of the December revolution change wanted revenge not against the initial or subsequent forces of change, nor against the Rapid Support Forces, but primarily against the Sudanese people who, through their will, ended what the Islamists termed their civilizational project.

Shuaib continued: “Therefore, one looks at the Islamic Movement‘s eagerness to continue the war, without considering the high price our people pay every hour inside and outside the country, as more of a punishment than a desire to achieve a decisive victory over the Rapid Support Forces. Despite the successive defeats suffered by the Brotherhood‘s army every month, to the extent that Sudan seemed entirely under their opponent’s control, the misleading media machine continues to lie to cloud the judgment of a large number of army supporters who fell prey to the influence of these media campaigns aimed at confusing the issues.

He added that the Islamic movement used the money they plundered to distort facts on the ground, blackmail national forces through campaigns to tarnish their organizations and leaders, and use intense defamation language against anyone who sees the need to stop the war. This clearly shows that their main idea is to muddy the political waters to show that the revolutionary component is the political face of the Rapid Support Forces.

Shuaib concluded by saying that no matter how much space the media lies take up to distort the truth, and the increasing campaigns of blackmail against our living political forces and defamation against honest people calling for an end to the war using the most vile expressions of insult, the struggle against the Brotherhood‘s projects to return to power or tear the country apart will remain an ongoing battle.

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