The surprising health benefits of bananas

Banana is a delicious and nutritious fruit. It is rich in carbohydrates, which makes it an energy food, ideal for recharging batteries. It is a practical snack because it is easy to carry. Thanks to its high fiber content, it satisfies well. It can also be eaten for breakfast with yoghurt, cottage cheese or porridge, for example, to feel energetic in the morning.
It is also an interesting fruit for sport. Bananas contain simple sugars, but also starch, a complex sugar that provides long-lasting energy. In this, it is similar to a starch, like pasta. The less ripe it is, the more it contains. And as it matures, the starch turns into simple sugars. That’s why it has a sweeter flavor. A US study conducted by Appalachian State University showed that bananas are as good a source of energy as sports drinks.
It must be said that it contains carbohydrates, which makes it a good food for exercise, but also all kinds of minerals and vitamins, which help recovery. And she also brings water. It contains about 75%.
Bananas provide some magnesium, but they are especially rich in potassium, which contributes to good muscle function, regulates the body’s water balance and lowers blood pressure. Its richness in potassium promotes heart health. And if the saying goes that an apple a day keeps the doctor away, a banana a day seems to be able to keep the cardiologist away. A study that followed around 25,000 Britons aged 40 to 79 for almost 20 years showed that people who ate a diet rich in potassium were less likely to have a cardiovascular event, regardless of their salt intake. The effect was greater in women. Among the foods richest in potassium are trout, avocado, beans, potatoes and… of course, bananas.