
The Tunisian Brotherhood continues to spread rumors to manipulate international public opinion

While all their previous attempts have failed since the election of Kais Saied as President of Tunisia, in calling for chaos and stirring up discord, the Tunisian Brotherhood has resorted to mastering the fabrication of rumors and promoting them. The latest of these was the alleged discovery of the bodies of 30 irregular migrants in the Tunisian desert, which was denied by the Tunisian authorities.

These rumors were skillfully disseminated through the pages of the Ennahda Movement and its branches and leaders, using social media platforms. They also falsely claimed that the Tunisian authorities were abandoning migrants on the Tunisian-Libyan and Tunisian-Algerian borders in a state of thirst and hunger, aiming to gain the sympathy of countries and to manipulate international public opinion against the government of Kais Saied and create a diplomatic crisis between the neighboring countries.

However, Colonel Houssem Jebabli, the official spokesperson for the General Directorate of the National Guard, denied the deportation of migrants from the southern desert to border areas with Libya or Algeria, confirming that all these news reports are false.

On Monday evening, President Kais Saied accused the Muslim Brotherhood organization of being behind the crises in his country through diabolical plans to heat up the situation and play on the strings of discord.

In a statement from the Tunisian Presidency, Saied reiterated the role of the judiciary, especially in this stage that Tunisia is going through, in “holding accountable those who have committed and continue to commit crimes against the homeland and the people.”

He affirmed that “it is no longer hidden from anyone that there are those who seek to ignite social situations in various ways, such as monopolization and the absence of essential supplies or cutting off drinking water in many areas of the Republic, under the pretext of carrying out routine maintenance, until our people are thirsty and the sun in the sky almost scorches their faces,” in a clear reference to the Muslim Brotherhood.

He added that “routine actions for them mean tormenting the Tunisian people, with the aim of creating chaos, so that the corrupt can escape accountability and return to power to spread corruption on this beloved land after the chaos they planned inside Tunisia and from outside this dear homeland.”

It is worth mentioning that the province of Sfax has become a major gathering point for migrants and a center for migration towards Europe. The increasing violence and crime rates in the province are a cause for concern among its residents.

Dozens of irregular migrants from Africa arrive in Tunisia seeking asylum, fleeing difficult economic and social conditions in their home countries, while others use it as a stepping stone for irregular migration to Europe via the Mediterranean Sea.

It should be noted that on July 25, 2021, the Tunisian President decided to freeze the work of the Parliament, lift the immunity of its members, and dismiss the Prime Minister, using legal procedures allowed by Article 80 of the Constitution, in addition to significant popular support.

Over the past two years, the Ennahdha Islamist movement has tried tirelessly to spread chaos through protests that have found no echo. They have then turned to social media platforms through electronic flies that incessantly spread their poisons using false information and misleading analyses.

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