The Tunisian state is nearing a decision to dissolve the Ennahdha Brotherhood… Details

The Tunisian Ennahdha Movement is going through a difficult stage after the prosecution of its leadership, which observers believe will inevitably affect its course and destiny. Observers speculated that the Tunisian authorities will issue a decision to dissolve the Ennahdha Movement in the near future, after a number of its leaders were involved in terrorist crimes and corruption.
Dark Fate
A report by the “Roaya” network revealed that the decision of the remaining leaders of the movement, out of prisons led by Mundher Al-Ounissi, the new interim president, to organize a general conference in the coming period may speed up the decision of Tunisia to disband in light of the fact that the size of the crimes of the organization, which is classified as terrorist, in a number of Arab countries, reflects a competition. A number of Ennahdha leaders are undergoing investigations in cases related to terrorism and other related to corrupt practices during the control of the movement over the last decade.
Over the past few days, Tunisian authorities have banned meetings in all Ennahdha offices, and police have closed the headquarters of the pro-Brotherhood Salvation Front, following the arrest of Rached Ghannouchi, leader of the Tunisian Muslim Brotherhood, on 17 April on charges of conspiring against state security.
Dr. Monzer Guefrach, a Tunisian political analyst, revealed that Ennahdha is very close to its end; after the closure of its headquarters and the imprisonment of its historical leader and most prominent of its leaders, it will become a banned movement, pointing out that the “Brotherhood” Ennahdha movement is undergoing organizational paralysis after the suspension of most of its leaders and its previous unwillingness to renew and neutralize its leadership; What made it so clear was, without a doubt, a structural vacuum.
The Tunisian political analyst explained that the arrest of Ghannouchi in itself confounded the movement and touched the symbolic and moral status of Ghannouchi, who has led the group for more than 50 years, pointing out that the movement is politically and financially linked to him and to the narrow circle surrounding him; This will lead to the inevitable death of this party, considering that Ghannouchi is the head of the group and the link with the international organization of the Brotherhood.
He pointed out that the Muslim Brotherhood “Ennahdha” movement is facing political crises during this period, through the arrest of its president and vice-president, as it is witnessing a state of security confrontation by the Tunisian state, in addition to the movement becoming rejected by the Tunisian people, stressing that the administration of Saied wants things to proceed legally and with legal proof, which is actually happening as investigations continue in a number of cases involving the leaders of the group.