
The UAE and Morocco.. A journey of cooperation and brotherhood culminating in the signing of 110 agreements 

A continuous journey of cooperation between the UAE and Morocco has been crowned with the signing of dozens of agreements and memoranda of understanding to enhance collaboration between the two countries in various fields.

Since King Mohamed VI assumed power in 1999, the two countries have signed more than 110 agreements and memoranda of understanding in various areas.

It is expected that the number of these agreements will increase after the scheduled visit of the Moroccan monarch to the UAE today, Monday, which marks his first visit to the country after Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan assumed power on May 14, 2022.

21 Agreements.. and the exchange of decorations 

The largest set of these agreements was signed during Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan‘s visit to Morocco in March 2015.

The number of memoranda of understanding and agreements signed during that visit reached twenty-one, covering areas such as security, politics, energy, education, sports, culture, customs, Islamic affairs, health, communications, tourism, and infrastructure.

At the end of the signing ceremony, King Mohamed VI of Morocco awarded Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan the Mohamedan Order of the First Degree, in appreciation of his efforts and contributions to strengthening the fraternal relations between the Kingdom of Morocco and the United Arab Emirates, and his commitment to reinforcing and developing them in a way that serves the common interests of both countries and their sisterly peoples.

Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan stated at the time that the agreements signed between the two countries constitute a qualitative addition and a new impetus to the relationships, reinforcing the strong bonds and ties between the leaderships of both countries. He emphasized that these agreements, as a whole, reflect the progress that the relationship between the two countries has reached and the anticipated advancements in the future.

He highlighted the need to strengthen the frameworks of historical relations between the United Arab Emirates and the Kingdom of Morocco, including the implementation of bilateral projects in economic, industrial, cultural, and humanitarian fields, among other frameworks of mutual cooperation that translate the aspirations of the two sisterly peoples and support the concept of partnership in all areas.

About two months after that visit, King Mohamed VI of Morocco visited the UAE in May of the same year (2015), during which he held talks with Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan covering strong fraternal relations, strategic cooperation, and regional and international issues of common interest.

During the session, issues of common interest in political, economic, and developmental fields were discussed, and efforts to expand cooperation through more joint initiatives and partnerships that serve the aspirations of both countries and their sisterly peoples.

Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan stated that the UAE and Morocco share a long history of common and distinguished brotherly cooperation, wishing Morocco and its people further progress, prosperity, and growth under the wise leadership of King Mohamed VI.

He mentioned that the two countries, through their balanced policies, represent a element of stability and prosperity in their Arab surroundings, and they seek to leverage that for an Arab world aspiring to an ambitious international position.

Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan conferred the Zayed Order on King Mohamed VI, the highest order granted to kings and heads of states, as an expression of the strength and depth of the fraternal relations between the UAE and the sisterly Kingdom of Morocco, and in appreciation of his efforts in enhancing and supporting the historical relations between the two sisterly countries.

Visits between officials of the two countries continue.

Among the prominent visits is the one made by the Moroccan monarch to the UAE in 2018, and the fraternal visit made by Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan during the month of Ramadan (April/May 2022), during which he attended an iftar banquet hosted by King Mohamed VI in Rabat.

The visit of King Mohamed VI of Morocco to Abu Dhabi on Monday, upon the invitation of Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, President of the United Arab Emirates, marks the culmination of the historical fraternal relations between the two countries.

Latest agreements 

As for the latest agreements and memoranda of understanding signed by the two countries, which were signed in the UAE two weeks ago, specifically on November 16th, where the Executive Office for Control and Anti-Spread in the UAE and the National Committee responsible for implementing sanctions in the Kingdom of Morocco signed a memorandum of understanding to enhance bilateral cooperation and coordination in the field of implementing targeted financial sanctions. The memorandum aims to exchange experiences and share best practices and guidelines to enhance the effectiveness of implementing the requirements of United Nations Security Council resolutions, especially those related to combating terrorism, arms proliferation, their financing, and evasion of sanctions.

The memorandum aims to enhance cooperation in building capacities and raising capabilities according to international standards issued by the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) in the field of implementing targeted financial sanctions.

Trade exchange multiplies 

The economic aspect also received the lion’s share of cooperation agreements between the two countries, which also included enhancing cooperation in the areas of judiciary, counter-terrorism, parliamentary, diplomatic, military, and cultural cooperation.

These agreements have been translated into tangible cooperation between the two countries in the economic aspect, reflected through several indicators, including:

The volume of trade and investment exchange between the two countries is expected to multiply in the coming period, following the agreement between the two countries during the first session of the Joint Economic Committee meeting in the Moroccan capital Rabat on April 27th.

The two sides agreed to double the volume of trade and investment exchange over the next 7 years, and enhance mutual cooperation in priority sectors on the economic agenda of both countries. This includes trade, investment, finance, banking, food security, industry, innovation, technology, energy, renewable energy, logistics services, and infrastructure. Additionally, they agreed to exchange experiences and knowledge in the fields of tourism, culture, education, and health, supporting sustainable economic growth for the economies of the two friendly countries.

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