Arabian Gulf

The United Arab Emirates is among the top 20 in 8 global competitive indicators related to tolerance and coexistence

Data released by 3 leading international authorities specializing in competitiveness show that the United Arab Emirates was included in the list of the world’s top 20 countries in 8 competitiveness indicators for tolerance and co-existence in 2020, which means that the country has achieved higher levels of global primacy in this area than the Vision 2021 target.

The list of international references that gave the State a high ranking in the indicators on the themes of tolerance and coexistence included the International Institute for Administrative Development, the Legatum Institute and the INSEAD College, according to what was monitored by the Federal Center for Competition and Statistics.

In the Annual Reports 2020, published by the International Competitiveness Reference Review, the United Arab Emirates ranked fourth in the Index of Tolerance for Foreigners, according to the World Competitiveness Index of Talent of the University of INSEAD, and ninth in the same index, the Prosperity Index Report published by the Legatum Institute.

Digital competitiveness

In the International Institute for Management Development’s World Digital Competitiveness Report, the UAE ranked fifth in the world in the Globalization Trends Index and was ranked the same in the same index, according to the same authority’s annual book on global competitiveness.

The UAE ranked seventh in the Social Cohesion Index, according to the Annual Book of Global Competitiveness, and 11th in the Index of Tolerance of Minorities, according to the Global Talent Competitiveness Index report. The Annual Book of Global Competitiveness also ranked the UAE at the same level in the Index of Resilience.

The UAE ranked 12th in the world on the issue of the state’s social responsibility towards citizens and residents, according to the Annual Book of Global Competitiveness.

The UAE’s leading figures in the competition for tolerance and co-existence take their specificity from the fact that tolerance and co-existence is a national program that was empowered over the past six years with the ambition of making the UAE the world capital of tolerance, which was mentioned in the previous article, which was published in 2019.

A decree-law on combatting discrimination and hatred was promulgated in July 2015, aiming to enrich global tolerance and confront manifestations of discrimination and racism, whatever their nature, racial, religious or cultural.

In 2016, the Council of Ministers adopted the National Program for Tolerance, which aims to enrich a culture of tolerance and to counter manifestations of discrimination and racism through a solid legal system of an environment of coexistence, acceptance and tolerance.

The Minister of Tolerance and Coexistence, His Excellency Sheik Nahyan Bin Mubarak Al Nahyan, stressed that the prestigious position of the United Arab Emirates, at the forefront of the nations of the world, with indicators of tolerance and coexistence, was a source of pride, and a clear proof that we live in a country deeply rooted in heritage and roots. It has an authentic history and culture, supported by a people who have created civilization and history, who strive to develop the values of tolerance, coexistence and charitable action, but also of positive communication with others, and to respect their cultures and beliefs.

He said in a statement, on the occasion of the UAE being ranked among the top 20 in the world in the indicators of tolerance and coexistence: “We live in a country whose achievements are always nurtured by a conscious and sincere leadership that encourages enlightened thought and moral behavior and is keen to assert the State’s place in the midst of civilization, progress and peace in the whole world.”

He added: “On this occasion, we are proud and proud of the key role of the founding leader, the late father of Sheik Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, who made the UAE an extended bridge of communication between civilizations and cultures, a country that is fully qualified to play a leading role in the world, in order to support the values of dialog, exchange and communication, as effective means of opening up between all: They will be recognized and coexist in peace, progress and harmony, May God have mercy on the father Sheik Zayed, and may he be rewarded for his great efforts to make the UAE a global center for dialog and interaction between cultures and religions, and to care for the needs and aspirations of people everywhere.”

On this occasion, His Excellency extended his heartfelt thanks and respect to HH the President of the State of Qatar Sheik Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan and his brother HH the Deputy Head of State and Prime Minister of Dubai Sheik Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, May God Assist Him, and HH the Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi and Deputy Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces.

He said: “We thank all of them for their sincere efforts to make the UAE a permanent model in deepening the values of peace, justice, tolerance and coexistence, and also in spreading hope, cooperation and prosperity in the world by working to develop cultural and intellectual relations with all and by using the tools of tolerance and human brotherhood to build successful and productive international relations.”

“I refer in particular to the good efforts of HH Sheik Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan in the areas of human brotherhood, which were embodied in the launch of the Abu Dhabi Document for Human Fraternity, ” he said.

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