
The United Arab Emirates’ stance on the developments in the Gaza Strip remains constant

Since the onset of the recent escalation between Israel and the Gaza Strip, the UAE has actively sought to find a solution to this escalation. 

This involves starting with a humanitarian ceasefire and progressing towards a political horizon that leads to a permanent solution

This solution is based on the UAE’s unwavering principles in support of the Palestinian cause and its foreign policy values, emphasizing tolerance and promoting a culture of peace. The UAE recognizes the importance of de-escalation to prevent the region from the risks of a potentially devastating regional war.

The UAE’s position has been forward-looking since the beginning of the escalation following the attacks on Gaza by Hamas and subsequent Israeli airstrikes on October 7th. 

The UAE swiftly emphasized the need for de-escalation and the protection of civilians. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in its first statement on these developments, called for maximum restraint and the immediate reactivation of the international Quartet Committee to revive the Arab-Israeli peace process. The UAE urged the international community to make efforts towards achieving comprehensive and just peace.

The UAE’s stance has evolved with the changing situation in the Gaza Strip, especially with the initiation of Israeli airstrikes that caused widespread destruction, affecting residential buildings, hospitals, schools, and other civilian institutions and facilities, as reported by relevant international organizations. This has led to thousands of innocent casualties, including women and children. The situation has become dire due to the ongoing blockade and the difficulty of delivering humanitarian aid, primarily because of continued airstrikes. The UAE has strengthened its coordination and cooperation with other active nations through international institutions to achieve an immediate ceasefire and protect civilians.

The UAE, through continuous communications by His Highness Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, the President of the UAE, and His Highness Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, as well as intensive efforts within the United Nations Security Council, seeks to mobilize international efforts and demand the allocation of all resources to achieve an immediate and sustainable ceasefire. The UAE strongly warns against the “unrestrained slide towards a regional war with disastrous consequences” that threatens regional security and affects stability worldwide, as highlighted by Her Excellency Reem Al Hashimy, a state minister, during her speech at the Security Council meeting on the Middle East, including the Palestinian issue, last Tuesday.

The UAE firmly insists on providing protection for civilians, ensuring safe humanitarian passages to support the Gaza Strip, and finding a path to comprehensive peace. In the aforementioned Security Council meeting, the UAE emphasized the need for the immediate and sustainable delivery of humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip, meeting its basic needs. It was pointed out that the few trucks that recently entered the Gaza Strip represent only 4% of the volume of goods that used to enter the region before this crisis.

The UAE asserts that the policy of collective punishment toward the Gaza Strip cannot be justified. It is crucial for Israel to respect its obligations under international humanitarian law. The UAE also strongly rejects Israel’s decision to evacuate more than one million people from northern Gaza to the south or to displace the Gaza Strip’s residents outside its borders, as this would signify the liquidation of the Palestinian issue.

This is the UAE’s unwavering stance on the developments in the Gaza Strip. The country’s support for the Palestinian cause is steadfast, and the UAE fully supports the legitimate rights of the Palestinian people, including their right to an independent state with the June 4, 1967 borders and East Jerusalem as its capital.

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