
The United States is pursuing the Brotherhood’s Ahmed Haroun… What is the Sudanese army’s stance? 

The United States has announced a financial reward of (5) million dollars for anyone providing information about the former Sudanese Minister of Interior and senior leader in the ‘Janjaweed Brotherhood’ Ahmed Mohammed Haroun, who faces charges of war crimes and crimes against humanity. It is suspected that the Sudanese army facilitated his escape from Kober Prison along with several senior officials of ousted Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir‘s regime. 

The US State Department stated in a statement released today that Washington has included the former Sudanese minister in its rewards program for information about suspected war criminals, adding that Ahmed Haroun, who served as a minister during Omar al-Bashir‘s rule, is wanted by the International Criminal Court for committing war crimes and crimes against humanity allegedly in Darfur between 2003 and 2004. Observers affirmed that the US State Department’s statement would significantly embarrass the Sudanese army, especially since Haroun currently operates under its umbrella, controlling a large portion of it, and leading battles in several states. 

The Sudanese army leadership had previously blamed the Rapid Support Forces for the escape of Haroun, nicknamed “the Fox,” known for his affiliation with the Islamist movement, just (10) days after the outbreak of fighting between the two sides in mid-April 2023. However, after his escape from Kober Prison in the capital Khartoum, along with other officials of al-Bashir‘s regime, he expressed his support for the army forces led by Sovereign Council Chairman General Abdel Fattah al-Burhan, in confrontation with the Rapid Support Forces led by his deputy, Lieutenant General Mohamed Hamdan DagaloHemeti“. 

The whereabouts of Ahmed Haroun and his comrades are still unknown, but due to his previous security and political responsibilities, he has extensive connections and knowledge of the areas and entities that could provide him with a safe haven. Moreover, many media outlets have reported news confirming that Haroun is involved in recruiting and mobilizing tribes to fight alongside the army, in addition to arming and financing them, confirming the significant role he plays in the ongoing fighting in Sudan. 

Haroun held several positions during al-Bashir‘s reign, including Minister of State at the Ministry of Interior, after serving as the General Coordinator of the Popular Police, a militia within the ministry. He also chaired the National Congress Party. 

He was arrested with senior officials of the former regime after the army ousted Omar al-Bashir in 2019 following months of popular protests. 

The International Criminal Court issued an arrest warrant against Haroun in 2007, including (42) charges against him, including murder, looting, rape, and torture.

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