
The US is trying to cut off Hezbollah’s wings in Africa

The United States announced the listing of two individuals for funding Lebanese Hezbollah from the West African region.

In a statement carried by CNN, the State Department said: “The United States places two Hezbollah financiers, Ali Saadeh and Ibrahim Taher, on the sanctions list. This will help disrupt Hezbollah’s business network in West Africa, which relies on bribery to circumvent the rule of law.
It continued: Hezbollah has developed a global network of financiers and supporters, as well as donors and facilitators, enabling the group to threaten the security, stability, and prosperity of Lebanon, as well as the wider region.

The Foreign Office said: “Supporting the illicit financial activity of those on the sanctions list not only undermines the malign activities of terrorist groups, but also undermines the commercial sector and the rule of law in countries where legitimate financial activity takes place”, it said, adding that the United States “will continue to expose individuals like those on the sanctions list today who support Hezbollah’s destabilizing activities”.

It added: “The Sanctions List is included under Executive Order No. 13224 as amended, which targets terrorists, as well as leaders and officials of terrorist groups, and those who provide support to terrorists or terrorist acts”.

In January, the United States imposed sanctions on three businessmen linked to Lebanon’s Hezbollah, saying their activity in facilitating the financial dealings of the Iranian-backed militia exploits Lebanon’s economic resources at a time when the country is in crisis.

Through such designated businessmen, Hezbollah receives in-kind and financial support through the legitimate commercial sector to finance its terrorist acts and its attempts to destabilize Lebanese political institutions.

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