
They Ignited the War and Hindering Its End… Sudan in the Grip of Kizans

Sudan is currently facing serious challenges related to the outbreak of war and the presence of a repressive monopolistic bloc that significantly influences politics and governmental decisions, with the domination of the Muslim Brotherhood group in many key government positions, such as Foreign Minister Ali Karti and the head of intelligence. The policies of this group have fueled internal conflicts and hindered paths of democratic development in the country.

The political scene in Sudan reflects skepticism about the legitimacy of the current government and its policies that do not fully represent the demands and aspirations of Sudan and its people. This skepticism arises from the presence of prominent Brotherhood-affiliated figures in the government, such as interim Foreign Minister Ali al-Sadiq Ali and the head of intelligence, whose decisions and statements harm the interests of the country and its people.

The National Human Rights Observatory in Sudan has also revealed monitoring a war crime against humanity committed by extremist Islamic militias fighting alongside the Sudanese army, north of Khartoum, against civilians, at a time when local and international actors seek to resume talks to end the conflict in Sudan and open the way for humanitarian aid delivery.

Numerous local and international reports have also confirmed that thousands of individuals who worked within the Sudanese national security and intelligence apparatus under former President Omar al-Bashir, and who have ties to the Islamist currents they belong to, are fighting alongside the army in the Sudanese conflict, complicating efforts to end the bloodshed.

The Observatory stated on the “X” platform that “the crime is immoral and violates human rights, freedoms, and religion rules, and constitutes a crime against humanity, committed by extremist Islamist battalions fighting alongside the Sudanese army in the Kadro region, who killed innocent civilians, mutilated them, and crushed them in an unprecedented manner”.

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