
Ties between Qatar and Israel from secrecy to the public


Since Hamad bin
Khalifa’s coup d’état
Contre son père, le cheikh
Khalifa Al Thani,
Against his father, Sheikh
Khalifa Al Thani,
Qatar has maintained close
relations with Israel
In 1996
Israeli Prime Minister
Shimon Peres
israélien à Doha
opened an Israeli trade
office in Doha
To hold successive meetings
between Qatari and Israeli officials
Meetings had developed
to sign security deals,
Arms deals and the sale
of Qatari gas to Israel
Sami Revel, former director of the Israeli interests section in Doha:
The main reason for Qatar’s
escalating role is due to its
role as an active mailbox for
the Tel Aviv service
Israel is using Qatar to
influence Hamas movements
through permission for Doha to
support the movement since it
took control of Gaza in 2006,
And this reinforces the Palestinian divide
And principally serves
the interests of Israel.
The rulers of Qatar encouraged
many Arab countries
In particular the Maghreb countries
To open to Israel
For economic and security reasons
Besides to the close collaboration
in various fields
Between the Qataris and the Israelis
Tzipi Livni, le chef du Parti
Tzipi Livni, leader of the
Israeli Movement Party
Revealed that Qatar is funding Benjamin Netanyahu election campaign
In 2009 with $ 3 million
And the party Israel Our House
Directed by Avigdor Lieberman”
with $ 2.5 million
-Tzipi Livni revealed to Israel’s Premier Channel
-that Qatar funded Benjamin Netanyahu’s election campaign
-and the movement Israel Our House”
-Livni showed that the money Netanyahu received from Qatar
amounted to $ 3 million
-While the ‘Israel Our Home’ movement received a million and a half dollars
-and mentioning that Netanyahu had promised the Emir of Qatar to negotiate with Hamas after the elections
-and saying that secret conversations had taken place between Hamas and Israel in Doha
-in the presence of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Qatar
-Livni also declared his intimate relationship with the wife of the Emir of Qatar, Moza Al-Misnad.

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