Top 6 healthy foods to eat to purify your kidneys

The function of the kidneys is to filter the blood and facilitate the elimination of waste present in the body. They are essential to the body. Drinking plenty of water helps to maintain them but not only.
Food plays a major role in keeping our body healthy. Here are six foods to eat daily to cleanse your kidneys.
Olive oil
Rich in antioxidants and minerals, olive oil is highly recommended to detoxify the body, and thus protect the kidneys. The bravest will dare to drink a spoonful of it in the morning as soon as they get out of bed, but if they prefer, they can add it to the preparation of many salads or dishes.
It can be eaten grated, cooked, in soup or in the form of juice. Beetroot, which contains potassium, has detoxifying and diuretic properties. It helps cleanse the liver, kidneys, and gallbladder.
The watermelon
It contains more than 90% water which makes it a very low calorie fruit. Rich in vitamins and mineral salts, watermelon helps prevent certain diseases affecting the urinary tract such as cystitis. It also helps strengthen the kidneys.
This fruit is recommended in diets. Some followers even go so far as to make mono diets during which they eat only apples for one to three days. Rich in fiber, it facilitates transit and eliminates toxins present in the body.
The lemon
For an effective result, it must be squeezed to make a juice that is mixed, if possible, with parsley and a little warm water. Lemon eliminates waste, including some small stones, and stimulates the immune system.
Used in the form of an infusion, nettles will have a purifying action by eliminating bacteria and treating urinary tract infections. They will thus prevent kidney stones.