
Tropical Storm “Ewinia” Leaves 7 Dead in the Philippines

At least 7 people have died due to Tropical Storm “Ewinia” which struck the Philippines early in the weekend, marking the first tropical storm to hit the country this year.

The Southeast Asian nation experiences an average of 20 storms annually, often resulting in heavy rains and landslides that lead to human casualties.

The storm brought strong winds and heavy rains to provinces south of the capital, Manila, causing the closure of airports and seaports and power outages.

The storm is moving towards the eastern coast of Japan on Tuesday, with winds reaching speeds of 130 kilometers per hour, potentially intensifying to 160 kilometers per hour.

President Ferdinand Marcos said on Tuesday, before departing for a state visit to the Sultanate of Brunei, that “search and rescue efforts will continue.”

He added that “the storm affected approximately 27,000 people and disrupted operations at 3 airports and 9 seaports early in the weekend.”

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