Tunisia in 2025… Year of « Security Vigilance » and Resolution against the Muslim Brotherhood

At the end of 2024, Tunisian observers expect 2025 to be a decisive year for tackling terrorism, ensuring security vigilance, and combating corruption.
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Tunisia, which has been working since July 25, 2021, to eradicate the roots of the Muslim Brotherhood’s terrorism that has been entrenched in the country since 2011, and the corruption that spread during their rule, will continue to pursue this group in 2025 and hold it accountable for its crimes, according to the observers.
This year will be “crucial for closing the cases of political assassinations, the recruitment of terrorists to conflict zones, and the secret network, in which the group’s leaders, including the head of the Muslim Brotherhood in Tunisia, Rached Ghannouchi, are involved,” say the observers.
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Political Assassinations
The Tunisian judiciary has not yet ruled on the cases of the assassinations of leftist leaders Chokri Belaïd on February 6, 2013, and Mohamed Brahmi on July 25 of the same year, as they are considered complex cases.
This case is divided into several files: the execution group file, the surveillance and recruitment group file, the secret network file, and the planning group file.
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The execution group file was settled on March 27, 2024, when the deputy prosecutor at the Judicial Pole for Counter-Terrorism (specialized court), Aymen Chtiba, announced the death sentence for 4 defendants, life imprisonment for other defendants, and prison sentences ranging from 2 to 30 years for others.
After resolving the execution group file, the Tunisian judiciary began working on the surveillance and recruitment group file, with verdicts expected to be issued in the first quarter of next year.
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This group consists of Muslim Brotherhood leaders, including Taher Boubhiri, advisor to Ali Lariadh, Mustafa Khadhar, Kamal Ayfi, Hichem Cherirbi, Ali Farchichi, and Belhassen Nakkache, all members of the Ennahdha party, as well as three security officials connected to the Ministry of the Interior.
The Recruitment for Conflict Zones Case
The specialized criminal court will hear the recruitment file on January 24 next.
The cases involve former Interior Minister and Muslim Brotherhood member Ali Lariadh, as well as several former security officials linked to the Brotherhood organization within the Ministry of the Interior, including Abdelkarim El Abidi, head of the aircraft protection unit, security officer Fethi Belhadi, and the spokesperson for the banned terrorist organization Ansar Al-Sharia, Seifeddine Rais.
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Since September 2022, the Tunisian judiciary has reopened investigations into the cases of recruiting young people to conflict zones and terrorist groups during 2012 and 2013. The investigations have targeted security officials, former ministers, businessmen, and politicians close to the Ennahdha movement.
More than 100 individuals have been accused of facilitating the recruitment of young people to fight alongside armed groups in Syria.
In a previous statement before parliament, former Tunisian Minister of the Interior, Hédi Majdoub, estimated the number of Tunisian terrorists present in conflict zones at approximately 2929 individuals.
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The Secret Brotherhood Network
The Tunisian judiciary is expected to issue final verdicts against members of the secret network of the Muslim Brotherhood, including their leader Rached Ghannouchi, in the coming period.
The investigation into this case began in January 2022, following a complaint filed with the Minister of Justice, Leïla Jaffal, in her capacity as head of the public prosecutor’s office, from the defense team of politicians Chokri Belaïd and Mohamed Brahmi.
This network includes Brotherhood figures and leaders from the Ennahdha Movement, such as Mustafa Khadhir (outside the country), Hicham Cherib, Cherefeddine Krichen, Khaled Triki, Taher Boubahri, Qais Bakar, Belhassen Nakkache, and Ali Farchichi (detained).
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It also includes Kamel Al-Ifi (fleeing abroad and residing in Malaysia), Rida Al-Baroni (fleeing abroad), Al-Arrousi Ben Ibrahim, Suleiman Oweis, Tamam Isbahi, and security figures like former head of Tunisian intelligence Mohrez Zouari (detained) and Fathi Belhadi, known as “the shadow man”, currently in prison (forming a parallel security apparatus), and Samir Hnashi (in prison).
Former Minister of the Interior, Lotfi Ben Jdour, previously admitted that the Ennahdha Movement possessed surveillance equipment superior to that of the army and security forces in Tunisia, with suitcase devices capable of intercepting 4000 calls simultaneously, usually moved in armored cars.
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It is worth noting that the judiciary has previously issued arrest warrants against several political figures and former officials from the Ministry of the Interior in the secret network case, including Rached Ghannouchi, who is also facing charges related to plotting against the internal security of the state and glorifying terrorism.
Security Vigilance
Political analyst Mohamed Al-Midani stated that 2025 will be “a year of security vigilance,” especially with the tightening of pressure on the Brotherhood organization inside the country, which prompts their foreign affiliates, led by Rached Ghannouchi‘s son, Moaz Ghannouchi, and his son-in-law Rafiq Abdel Salam, to stir up security concerns and exacerbate tensions.
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He said that the issue of releasing all prisoners in Syria raises concerns among Tunisian authorities about the return of Tunisian terrorists, especially those not known to them in security records, which poses a threat to security. He urged the Tunisian authorities to remain vigilant in order to maintain the security of the country, particularly due to the relationship these terrorists have with the Brotherhood organization in Tunisia.
Complex Issues
On the other hand, Tunisian activist and political analyst Nabil Ghawari pointed out that many complicated and interconnected cases remain open before the Tunisian judiciary for deliberation, as part of the accountability process that began after the regime’s fall on July 25, 2021.
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He stated that “the case of the secret network of the Ennahdha Movement is one of the most discussed, as the Tunisian public demands to know the truth about the political assassinations and terrorist attacks that the country experienced after 2011.”
He added that “there are concerns about the attempts of the Brotherhood to undermine the country’s stability and jeopardize its security and sovereignty,” explaining that “the security and military forces are fully prepared to protect the country from the threat of the Brotherhood and terrorism.”
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In reference to the Brotherhood, Tunisian President Kais Saied previously threatened, in statements, “those who wish to sow discord and doubt, telling them that they should wake up from this delusion, as Tunisians have sworn to be free in a free nation.” He also confirmed that “traitors and collaborators have bet and continue to dream of division, but they are like those chasing a mirage.”