UAE continues to show solidarity with Yemen… Details of the quartet statement to stop the conflict

Over the course of many years, Yemen has been engulfed in numerous conflicts, led by the militias of the Houthis, the Muslim Brotherhood, and Iran.
The country has witnessed the worst humanitarian disaster in the world in terms of the displacement of citizens, the spread of famines, the death of thousands, the targeting of civilians, and the exploitation of children.
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- Middle East Quartet able to Push Peace Talks Forward
Quadripartite meeting
The most recent of these attempts was a meeting last Tuesday between the ambassadors of Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and the United Kingdom in Yemen and the charge d’affaires of the United States to discuss the situation in Yemen, where they expressed their concern about “the serious humanitarian situation facing the Yemeni people”.
Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Britain and the US issued a statement on the humanitarian situation in Yemen, stressing the commitment to a comprehensive political solution to the conflict in the country and the need for an immediate ceasefire.
The four countries expressed deep concern over the ongoing Houthi offensive in Marib.
Houthi militias
They also asserted that the Houthi militias are to blame for this situation due to the “continuous military escalation” and their refusal to cease fire, in addition to the effects of the country’s “economic situation”.
“They noted that efforts to achieve economic stability “are essential to reducing humanitarian needs”.
They also welcomed recent efforts to revive the Riyadh Agreement and the contribution of Saudi Arabia and the UAE in this regard, stressing the need for all political parties to “work together to support the legitimate Yemeni government and the prime minister’s recovery and reform plan”.
Immediate ceasefire
The Quartet statement noted that the ambassadors expressed their “deep concern” over the ongoing Houthi offensive on Marib, stressing the need for “an immediate ceasefire”, especially in light of the huge number of Yemenis displaced by the fighting, and condemned the Houthi cross-border attacks into Saudi Arabia and its targeting of civilians and economic infrastructure.
“Given the importance of the economy to the situation in Yemen, it was taken into consideration that strong leadership by the Central Bank and financial institutions is very important”, the statement said. “In this regard, it was noted that the appointment of these qualified cadres represents a positive step forward”.
The Quartet Ambassadors also welcomed the successful definition of the new foreign currency auction process and expressed their readiness to continue to work closely with the Yemeni Prime Minister and his Government, the new Governor of the Central Bank and his team to support measures to achieve greater stability for the Yemeni economy, including a commitment to continue providing technical support, and to explore options to increase Yemen’s access to foreign currency and facilitate trade.
The Quartet ambassadors called on the government to continue the reform process, stressing the importance of transparency and responsibility in the use of domestic revenues and the management of external financing. They also welcomed the major contributions made by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to support the Yemeni economy, especially the fuel grant.
The Quartet stressed their commitment to a comprehensive political solution to the conflict in Yemen and expressed full support for the UN envoy, Hans Grünberg.