Arabian Gulf

UAE elected to non-permanent seat on Security Council

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) made an international achievement on Friday by winning a non-permanent seat on the UN Security Council for two years, starting in January 2022.

Sky News said that the UAE received 179 votes from the UN General Assembly for a non-permanent seat on the Security Council.

Besides the United Arab Emirates, Ghana, Brazil, Albania and Gabon were elected as non-permanent members of the Security Council. 

UAE membership in Security Council.. A worthy achievement and high hopes

Sheikh Abdallah ben Zayed Al Nahyane, Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, said that, “The UAE has always been ready to assume its share of responsibility in facing pressing global challenges in cooperation with the international community, and this is the main motivation for our campaign for membership in the Security Council”.

The United Arab Emirates has been committed to multilateral action, international law and the Charter of the United Nations since its inception and the State will continue to uphold these principles during its membership in the Security Council,” he said. “I am confident that our history and role as a reliable partner and mediator will enable us to make an active contribution during the two years in which we will be working in the Security Council”.

For her part, Ambassador Lana Zaki Nusseibeh, Assistant Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation for Political Affairs and Permanent Representative of the UAE to the UN, said : “The role of the United Arab Emirates in the Security Council stems from our belief that our values and principles can help advance progress towards our common goal of international peace and security”.

“In the two years we will be serving on the Council, our team will be working here in New York, Abu Dhabi and around the world, working constructively with our fellow member states, overcoming divisions and making tangible progress on the most serious challenges, starting with building resilience to climate change, addressing global health crises and pandemics, and tapping into the potential of innovation for peace.

The United Arab Emirates will be committed to working in the Council in a spirit of cooperation and partnership, and I congratulate Albania, Brazil, Gabon and Ghana on their election to the Security Council today, and look forward to working together to build a more peaceful, secure and inclusive future for all.

At the end of September 2020, the UAE announced its candidacy for a non-permanent seat on the UN Security Council for the period 2022-2023.

The UAE’s announcement came after it won the support of the Arab League in 2012 and the Asia-Pacific Group of Nations for non-permanent membership of the Security Council in June 2020.

The UN Security Council is made up of 15 members – five permanent members (Britain, China, France, Russia and the United States) and 10 non-permanent members, half of which are renewed each year to take office six months after the vote.

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