Arabian Gulf

UAE launches second package of 50 projects

The Government of the United Arab Emirates announced today the launch of the second package of strategic initiatives and projects within the 50 projects announced by His Highness Sheikh Mohammed ben Rachid Al Maktoum, Vice-President, Prime Minister, Ruler of Dubai, under the patronage of God, and His Highness Sheikh Mohammed ben Zayed Al Nahyane, Crown Prince of Abou Dabi, Deputy Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces, at the Al Watan Palace in Abou Dabi, in the presence of His Highness Sheikh Mansour ben Zayed Al Nahyane, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Presidential Affairs, as well as many ministers and officials from the concerned agencies and the participation of local, regional and international media.

H.H. Minister of Cabinet Affairs and President of the World Summit of Governments Mohammad Abdullah Al Gergawi announced that upon the directives of Sheikh Khalifa ben Zayed Al Nahyane, God protect him.. Following up on this, Sheikh Mohammed ben Rashid Al Maktoum and Sheikh Mohammed ben Zayed Al Nahyane allocated 24 billion dirhams to absorb 75,000 citizens in the private sector over the next five years.

And he added: We also announce that, following the initiative of Sheikh Mansour ben Zayed Al Nahyane, an integrated federal government program has been drawn up under the name of a rival.. It consists of 13 projects to support the private sector to absorb these numbers.

The second package of the 50 projects includes:

Following His Highness Sheikh Mansour ben Zayed Al Nahyane, an integrated federal government program was developed on behalf of NAFES. It consists of 13 private sector support projects to accommodate 75,000 people over the next five years.

– The Government of the United Arab Emirates announced today the launch of the second package of strategic initiatives and projects within the 50 projects announced by Sheikh Mohammed ben Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice-President, Prime Minister, Ruler of Dubai, under the patronage of God, and Sheikh Mohammed ben Zayed Al Nahyane, Crown Prince of Abu Dabi, Deputy Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces, at the Al Watan Palace in Abu Dabi, in the presence of Sheikh Mansour ben Zayed Al Nahyane, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Presidential Affairs, as well as many ministers and officials from the concerned agencies and the participation of local, regional and international media.

– A temporary subsidy for citizens who have lost their jobs in the private sector under conditions beyond their control and a six-month opportunity to seek another job.

–  The Government shall bear the cost of training citizens in the private sector up to a full year during the training period, with a monthly salary of 8,000 dirhams for the university and also support the salaries of citizens in the private sector for five years after employment, up to a maximum of 5,000 dirhams per month above the salary of the two universities.

– The establishment of a « Emirati Competition Council » chaired by His Highness Sheikh Mansour Ben Zayed Al Nahyane, his Deputy Sheikh Abdullah Ben Zayed Al Nahyane, as well as a group of ministers and senior officials, and the appointment of Ghannam Al Mazrouei as Secretary General of the Council.

–  A temporary allowance for citizens who have lost their jobs in the private sector for reasons beyond their control, and a six-month opportunity to look for another job.

– The Government pays the cost of training private sector citizens for up to one full year during the training period, with a monthly salary of 8,000 dirhams for students, as well as the payment of salaries for private sector citizens for five years after employment, and up to 5,000 dirhams per month in addition to the salary of students.

– Allocate a program to support citizens working in special specializations in the private sector, such as programmers, nurses, accountants and others, with a fixed allowance of 5,000 dirhams per month above salary for five years.

– The Government shall bear the contributions of the Civil Servants Pension Fund for five years. The Government shall also bear the bulk of the contributions of the employer to the Private Employees Retirement Fund for the first five years.

– For the first time, under the directives of the leadership of the United Arab Emirates, allowances will be paid to the children of citizens working in the private sector up to 800 dirhams per child, and a maximum of 3,200 dirhams.

– Allocating 1.25 billion dirhams to offer specialized training programs to citizens in various sectors, through which internationally recognized professional certificates and programs will be provided to citizens in the private sector.

–  “Launch a vocational training program in cooperation with private and semi-governmental companies for up to 12 months, with monthly financial rewards for trained citizens, with the aim of supporting them with experience that qualifies them for entry to distinguished jobs in the private sector.”

–  Target ratios for citizen jobs in the private sector are set, starting at 2% and increasing at the same rate annually to reach 10% after five years. Companies will be given 5 years to reach the target ratios for citizen jobs in the private sector.

– An integrated program for the development of national cadres in the nursing sector, including three training and academic courses, which include a health assistant, a high diploma in emergency medicine and a bachelor’s program for nursing. The program targets 10,000 citizens within five years.

– A one-billion-dirham fund for graduates sponsored by Sheikh Mansour ben Zayed Al Nahyane to grant microloans to university students and new graduates in cooperation with national universities, with the aim of supporting them in starting their own projects.

– A new policy in the Federal Government for citizens who wish to engage in self-employment by granting annual fixed numbers with clear criteria a 6-12 month leave, with 50% of the salary to be paid to start their own businesses. The program will start in early 2022.

– A new policy in the Federal Government gives civil servants the option of early retirement for those over 50 years of age to establish their own enterprises. The Government purchases five years, adds them to their retirement years or gives them financial rewards, in specific numbers annually.

The second package of the “50 Projects” contributes to the creation of a new cycle of national strategic projects aimed at establishing a new stage of growth for the United Arab Emirates, domestically and abroad, in a way that strengthens its regional and global position in all sectors and increases human competitiveness on the Emirates soil to reach the best ranks globally and the best indicators locally and internationally.

The new special package of “50 Projects” promotes the achievement of qualitative leaps in the national economy, as it is a top national priority for the Government of the United Arab Emirates and is the key to ensuring a decent life for its people and future generations.

The 50 projects, announced in September, target all members of society, whether citizens or residents, and the public and private sectors. The positive and developmental impact of these projects for the next five decades will include anyone living in the UAE or choosing it as a destination for work, innovation and growth.

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