
UN Security Council condemns Tripoli clashes, calls for quick elections

Members of the UN Security Council on Thursday condemned “the violent clashes perpetrated by militias in Tripoli on August 27, which resulted in civilian casualties and destruction of civilian infrastructure”, calling on “all parties to maintain the calm prevailing on the ground”.

The members of the Security Council called on “the Libyan parties to respect international law, in particular with regard to the protection of civilians, and to allow and facilitate full, safe and unhindered humanitarian access”.

The UN Security Council members “called on all parties to refrain from violence or any other actions that could escalate tensions and undermine the political process, and the 23 October 2020 ceasefire in Libya, which should be fully implemented, including through the withdrawal of all foreign forces and mercenaries from the country, without further delay”, the statement added.

The members of the Security Council affirmed that “there can be no military solution in Libya” and called on “all Libyan parties, with the facilitation of the United Nations, to agree on a path for holding presidential and parliamentary elections throughout the country, as soon as possible, through dialog, compromise and constructive engagement in a transparent and inclusive manner”.

“In this regard, they called on the Secretary-General to appoint a special representative of the Secretary-General immediately”, the statement said, stressing “the importance of the comprehensive national dialog and reconciliation process aimed at forming a unified Libyan government capable of governing all parts of the country and representing the entire Libyan people”.

Members of the UN Security Council called for “the full, equal, effective and meaningful participation of women at all levels, including in leadership positions, in all activities, and in decision-making on democratic transition, conflict resolution, peacebuilding, youth inclusion and civil society representation”.

Members reiterated their demand that “all parties comply with their obligations under international law, including international humanitarian law” and stressed that ”those responsible for violations of international humanitarian law and human rights violations and abuses must be held accountable”.

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