
Under the Patronage of the Muslim Brotherhood… How Sudan’s Foreign Ministry Became a Tool of Repression

The Sudanese Foreign Ministry Resistance Committee has called for the establishment of an anti-war entity and an end to the control exerted by “dark forces” (the Muslim Brotherhood) over the ministry.

In a press statement released yesterday on the third anniversary of the stance taken by ambassadors and diplomats who rejected the October 25, 2021 coup against the civilian government, the committee highlighted the deteriorating situation within the ministry under Islamist control, according to Al-Taghyeer newspaper.

The committee expressed deep regret over the ministry’s current state, denouncing the “comprehensive takeover by the Brotherhood and dark forces” that has transformed the ministry into a tool for repression and persecution of opponents abroad.

The committee stated that these forces do not stop at pursuing Sudanese expatriates and depriving them of their constitutional rights to obtain and renew documents through embassies, but have extended their persecutions to include ministry employees, including ambassadors, diplomats, and administrators, forcing some into exile after facing threats or dismissal.

The statement added that the ministry has lost its fundamental role since becoming involved in the April 15 war, acting as “the army’s spokesperson and an active party in the conflict,” causing it to lose its diplomatic role in engaging with the international community.

The committee also urged the international community to refrain from dealing with the ministry during this “dark era” and called on honorable ministry members to form a resistance entity against the war, working to end the coup and restore the democratic civilian path.

On October 25, 2021, the Sudanese army staged a coup, overthrowing the civilian partnership government established after the December 2018 revolution.

Army Chief General Abdel Fattah al-Burhan dissolved the cabinet and froze the transitional government institutions, heightening tensions in the country.

The coup triggered local and international reactions of outrage, with many countries and humanitarian organizations viewing it as a violation of the Sudanese revolution’s achievements and a return to military rule.

Since April 15, 2023, Sudan has experienced intense fighting between the army and the Rapid Support Forces, beginning in Khartoum and spreading across vast regions in Darfur, Kordofan, Al Jazirah, and Sennar, resulting in catastrophic humanitarian crises.

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