Middle east

Wadhah bin Attiyah: The Main Goal of the Houthi is to Starve the Yemeni People, and We Will Not Stand Idly By

Wadhah bin Attiyah affirmed that the main goal of the Houthi is to starve the Yemeni people, and we will not stand idly by.

Houthi militias have continued their crimes against the Yemeni people and their resources over the past years, with the number of victims increasing during this time. This has led to one of the worst humanitarian crises in the world.

The Houthi Plan

A report by the “Roaya” network revealed that the Houthi has turned its weapons against the people. Yemen is no longer as it used to be, and the streets of Sana’a are a clear example. Banners and slogans of the militias are raised on the walls, while poverty, hunger, and anger prevail on the ground.

Observers hold the international community morally responsible for the suffering of millions of Yemenis in areas controlled by the terrorist Houthi militias due to their policies of deliberate starvation and impoverishment, aimed at humiliating and subjugating them.

Impoverishment and Starvation in Yemen

Wadhah bin Attiyah, a Yemeni political analyst, says that the militias have created a humanitarian catastrophe by impoverishing Yemenis, using it as a means of trading, exploitation, and pursuing political and material gains. He points out that the looting carried out by the Houthi militias in their controlled areas is primarily aimed at starving the Yemeni people.

The Yemeni analyst adds that Houthi looting of Yemeni people’s funds has escalated, emphasizing that imposing a policy of starvation on all Yemeni citizens is a Houthi approach. He clarifies that we will not stand idly by in the face of the policy of starvation practiced by the Houthi group and forcibly imposed on the Yemeni people.

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