
Warning of human mass extinction

A study indicates that humans are facing the threat of the sixth mass extinction, unlike the one caused by a cosmic impact on Earth, such as the event that led to the extinction of dinosaurs.

The new danger is attributed to the rapid population growth worldwide, in addition to the climate crisis arising from human destruction of the environment.

The study, published in the scientific journal “PNAS,” points out that groups of related animal species are disappearing at a rate exceeding the expected norm by 35%. It affirms that there is no reason to assume that humans would be among the survivors in the event of a mass extinction.

Gerardo Ceballos, a co-author of the study, suggests that the opposite may happen with the sixth mass extinction, leading to a complete transformation of biological life and possibly to a state that may become impossible for humanity to sustain without radical measures.

The study emphasizes, “The human-caused sixth mass extinction is much more dangerous than previously estimated; it is accelerating. Current general extinction rates are over 35 times higher than baseline rates in the absence of human impacts.”

The study also highlights the urgent need for unprecedented political, economic, and social measures to address this challenge. It confirms that environmental destruction resulting from human activities poses a serious threat to the stability of civilization and the ecosystem services provided by biodiversity.

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