Middle east

Washington explores re-classifying Houthis as a terrorist organization… Details

Amidst the escalating Houthi attacks in the Red Sea, the spokesperson for the U.S. National Security Council, John Kirby, affirmed on Wednesday that the United States, along with its partners and allies, is working to protect commercial ships. He added that Washington is considering re-classifying the Houthis as a terrorist organization.

Kirby told reporters, “Houthi attacks must stop, and they are unacceptable… The United States, along with its partners and allies, is working to confront these attacks and protect ships. Several countries are ready to participate, and work is ongoing. We are considering re-classifying the Houthis as a terrorist organization, but the decision has not been made yet.”

The spokesperson for the U.S. National Security Council emphasized that the Houthis “focus more on targeting commercial ships… We have not yet seen any attacks on military vessels. Military leaders, when they observe missile and drone movements, make the appropriate decision to eliminate any potential threat. There are (14) drones, and we do not know the targets they intend to attack, but it is likely that they want to target new commercial ships in the Red Sea.”

Meanwhile, the United States, the European Union, NATO, and several countries, including Yemen, issued a joint statement condemning the “Houthis’ interference in navigation rights and freedoms” amid the attacks in the Red Sea.

The statement called on all countries to refrain from facilitating or encouraging the Houthis, stating that there is no justification for these attacks affecting many countries outside the flags under which these ships sail.

U.S. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin stressed on Tuesday that the new maritime alliance will conduct joint patrols in the southern Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden. Austin pointed out that the new maritime alliance will work to protect high seas and enhance regional security and prosperity, considering the Houthi‘s reckless attacks on ships as an international problem requiring an international response to secure trade in the waterway.

On Tuesday, Houthi leader Mohammed Ali al-Houthi in Yemen threatened to target the ships of any country that acts against the group in the Red Sea.

He said in a television interview: “If America takes any action against us, there will be a response, and navigation for any country participating in this aggression will be affected, and we will target their ships.”

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