What has Yemen gained from the Muslim Brotherhood’s hatred of Saleh? A report answers the question

A report published on the Yemeni site “Al-Muntasaf” discussed the results of the Muslim Brotherhood‘s hatred towards the regime of Ali Abdullah Saleh. The report states that the group and its supporters spread the notion, before the events of February 11, that “Saleh” was corrupt, that the country was not as “developed” as other countries, that he sought to pass on the rule to his family, and that if the group took control, they would transform the country into a committee-like structure.
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The report specifies that the group stirred up the streets of Yemen against the deposed president, his regime, and the Yemeni people. However, at that time, they were still receiving their salaries from him, the water, electricity, roads, services, and living standards were better, and no gangster dared to extort any citizen.
Furthermore, they enjoyed security, could travel, speak, and practice their opposition freely without fear of imprisonment or arrest. Instead, they fueled the situation, which led to the events of February 11 that devastated Yemen, destroyed its people, burned the land, killed, displaced the inhabitants, impoverished the population, and reduced society to begging, with garbage bins becoming the refuge of those whom fate had condemned to this miserable outcome, according to the report.
What has Yemen gained from the Muslim Brotherhood’s hatred of Saleh? A report answers the question
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Since taking power, the corrupt, criminals, murderers, thieves, and bandits have proliferated in large numbers, allowing the Houthi group to consolidate its control in the country.
The report emphasizes that all of this was merely political hatred and partisan stubbornness from the Muslim Brotherhood against Saleh‘s regime, with internal and regional conspiracies leading the country into war and flames of destruction. Today, Yemen continues to endure the consequences: more death, poverty, illness, division, and scattering.
Throughout Yemen’s modern history, the alliances of the Muslim Brotherhood, represented by the Islah Party, have fluctuated between enemies and allies as their interests evolved.
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