What is a solar storm, this astronomical phenomenon that occurred last night?

A solar storm hit Earth overnight from Tuesday to Wednesday. This phenomenon, which consists of an eruption of solar plasma, causes a bombardment of electromagnetic particles likely to disrupt satellite communications and electrical distribution networks.
However, this did not happen yesterday. It was indeed observed on July 14 by several specialists working on space weather and if these particles move at a very high speed (several million kilometers per hour), they only arrived last night on Earth.
Aurora Borealis caused by it
A magnetic storm, here minor, which had no real consequences for the population. Except that it could be visible in the form of the aurora borealis, observable on the east coast of the United States.
A previous solar storm had hit Earth in early July. Sign there of a usual cosmic event but nevertheless monitored each time by scientists. A study published in 2016 in the journal NatureCommunications advanced the scenario of a solar “super eruption”, capable of causing significant damage, especially to satellites. Last February, the American company SpaceX deplored the destruction of dozens of its satellites after eruptions on the surface of the Sun.