
What is the connection between vinegar and depression?

A new study has shown that daily consumption of vinegar may help alleviate symptoms of depression, opening the door to the use of vinegar as a potential component of future treatments.

The study was led by a team from Arizona State University, where 28 overweight but healthy adults were divided into two groups: one group consumed two tablespoons of red wine vinegar daily, while the other group took a pill containing a small amount of vinegar.

Over a four-week period, the participants were assessed through two mental health questionnaires, and the results showed a 42% reduction in depression symptoms in the group that consumed a higher amount of vinegar, compared to an 18% reduction in the other group.

Although the sample size was small and the patients had mild depression, the researchers believe that the results warrant further investigation, particularly given the urgent need for safe and effective adjunct treatments for depression symptoms.

The researchers emphasized the importance of conducting further research to better understand the effects of vinegar on individuals with clinical depression and those taking antidepressants, through larger-scale studies.

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