
What is the ‘life postponement’ syndrome and how does it happen? 

Yulia Kovalyovskaya, a psychologist, coach, and author of personal development programs for businessmen, delved into the details of the development of the ‘life postponement’ syndrome and its nature.

Kovalyovskaya explained in an interview with the news agency for the Moscow region, saying: ‘There is always something needed, like a few kilograms, knowledge, time, etc., and you tell yourself: I will really start living, but later, after completing all the postponements in life, and you think life will definitely start after that.’

Kovalyovskaya pointed out that a person suffering from this syndrome does not rejoice in life, does not enjoy it, and does not realize that he is living the best stage of it, and the conversation here revolves around an endless game of catching up.

She said: ‘If this person is asked why the right time has not yet come to enjoy and live with the greatest possible amount of happiness and joy, he will answer very well and logically, saying: (This is not the right time, it is not the right situation, there are no suitable people, and the opportunity has not yet come), and so on.’

Some people, due to fear or other reasons, cannot deal with this complex condition, so psychologist Olga Korobeynikova called for getting rid of all problems immediately, pointing out that you cannot reach a successful future if you do not deal with situations that come from the past.

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