Middle east

Why Do the Muslim Brotherhood Forces Refuse to Vacate Citizens’ Homes in Taiz? The Pretexts Revealed

Forces affiliated with the (Al-Islah) party, “the branch of the Muslim Brotherhood,” continue to seize citizens’ homes in Taiz under the pretext that they are located in contact zones with the Houthi militia, “agents of Iran,” despite citizens confirming that these areas are not within the confrontation lines.

Citizens told Al-Omanaa newspaper that members of the Taiz front forces, controlled by the (Al-Islah) party militia, occupy their homes and live there with their families, while the homeowners are deprived of their right to reclaim them, claiming they are in contact zones.

They pointed out that they have been suffering for several years, living in rented homes under difficult conditions and rising rents, while government forces continue to occupy their houses.

Activists considered that the continued occupation of citizens’ homes by the Taiz front forces, affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood, despite not being in contact zones, is a clear exploitation of their military roles and a refusal to comply with local authority orders to evacuate and return the homes to their owners.

Activists are astonished by how the Taiz front forces deal with homeowners and refuse to leave their homes, using the pretext that they are in contact zones, even though they are inhabited by military families.

At the beginning of the Houthi militia’s war on Taiz province, in southwestern Yemen, thousands of families were displaced from various areas of Taiz city. However, they were shocked to find that their homes had been taken over by members of the Taiz front, who refused to leave. Moreover, leaders and members of the front demand homeowners pay them money in exchange for what they call the protection of their properties.

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