Middle east

Will Iran Stop Its Agendas and Restrain Its Militias in the Region after Rapprochement with Saudi Arabia?

The agreement has dealt the region a major blow to those terrorist arms in the region, reflecting the confused reactions and contradictory stances. Despite its tacit welcome of the agreement as a regional power, Saudi Arabia has pushed its extremist leaderships and wings to start fires and cling to the tone of war in order to destabilize the region’s security.

Media close to Iran have received new instructions to stop attacking Gulf states and figures, urging them to de-escalate and avoid delving into details of active issues in the region, such as Yemen.

Houthi Militia

As part of the terrorist militia’s state of floundering in the region, the Houthi militia, more than any other, seemed to be in a state of confusion, as it tacitly welcomed the Saudi-Iranian agreement and its leaders exited to justify Tehran’s position and position on the agreement.

“Observers believe that Iranian-backed militias in Yemen, Lebanon, and Iraq will continue to escalate to impede efforts for a Saudi-Iranian rapprochement in that period, especially as this rapprochement will prevent them from receiving the support and funding that the militia receives from Iran.”

“The Saudi-Iranian rapprochement will expose the terrorist and absurd role these militias play by taking their countries out of regional calculations and arrangements,” said Abdul Hafeez Nahari, a Yemeni political analyst. “This terrorist militia has turned countries such as Yemen and Lebanon, which previously weighed as regional parties, into marginal files among the major regional states.”

He added that this rapprochement has already exposed the speeches of the leader of the Houthi militia who has been fabricating accusations against Saudi Arabia for years, and he has also dropped all the contents that Abdul-Malik Al-Houthi was promoting in an effort to impose his conditions, and that the rules of the game are changing, and this will be reflected on the ground, as the arms and forces affiliated with Iran will feel weak during the coming period, as one of the main conditions that led to Saudi Arabia agreeing to calm is not to interfere or compromise the security of Saudi Arabia and the region.

This rapprochement will significantly counter the financing and support that this terrorist militia used to receive, and this rapprochement will also cause Iran to stop supporting this terrorist militia that has harmed the Arab region as a whole, he added.

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